
the reverend al green

sales of lean cuisine and quadruple stuffed oreos up 500%

god hates robosexuals

the plot threads start paying off toward the end

well, i don't know what i expected

no, i agree with YOU, motherfucker!

no one cared about this reference, because avclub.

where's lia marie?

BTAS (and STAS), gargoyles (although it fell off in its later seasons HARD): resounding yes.

now that you mention it, i'm pretty sure the newspaper industry was kept afloat in the 90s for its widespread distribution of complimentary rubber bands.

yes, being white in the 50s was rad.

i was nostalgic at an early age

i knew how to get to warcraft 2, but my cousin did some @echo tricks and i thought he was a wizard.

sexy shirley voice

maybe we did. may… be… we… did…

it's a wonderful restaurant!

>Wasn't this the problem with Harmon-less season 4?

my 13-year-old sister saw the promo and immediately said, "misdirect."

that scene is the stupidest thing i've ever laughed at for five minutes straight