
@Mr. Rosewater: I believe that that only works in the case of gasses? Not 100% sure...

Ok, I know its helium so you won't have a Hindenburg like explosion but whats to stop someone from firing some kind of surface-to-air missile? honestly what keeps those things up if theres a hole in them?

@kallisti5: Yeah Hindenburg was kinda freak accident sorta deal... They used Hydrogen because its half the mass of helium... No one else really used Hydrogen though cuz well... You know haha

@Iota: Haha alright, honestly I've never had to deal with them... bought my MBP online and havent had a problem yet but I'll be sure to remember this when I go in

Black holes look like Gay Pride Powerade logos?

Um... Now I haven't had much experience with Geniueses but are they really supposed to be pretentious assholes?

Haha this is funny because my school is just starting to phase in iPads. I don't go to any "tony" school though. I go to a public school in Central New York. I think our school has always had a really good deal with Apple because we always use the latest iMacs and regularly update the vast number of Macbooks the

Haha that's awesome. What an impressive collection of replicas.. I mean, its safe to assume those are fake right?

@Killjoy: Well I think that most would agree that overall police serve the public's interest. I mean, I'm not gonna call to have them disbanned or anything lest we descend into chaos and anarchy.

This is bullshit! I mean, Internal Affairs agents are trying to prevent you from filing charges and you can't get proof of what appears to me to be blatantly inappropriate conduct, it makes the police seem like Untouchables or something...

@Daamian: errr not to be a prick... but the first three letters of assume are ass.... not words... it happens man

@darkanimematt: Yeah "wont" is a word separate from "won't"...

@AlabamaIceman: Ha! I already have mine... Had to buy it like 7 months ago but I got to Cupertino in May for their annual Spring Cleaning day!! Be jealous mofo

He probably had like, dead prostitutes in the basement and didn't want his name tarnished hahah I know that's a bit morbid but its a possibility

@irishfighter: I think a lot of people have thrown that idea around but I just don't (or dont want) to buy it.

I know some other commentors have brought it up but can't you just like, say you're really biased or something in your status like "Plan on convicting a mofo"?

@supergeek1694: I think it just means the cancer was not cured? There were many gramatical and typographical mistakes throughout the article as I assume it was rather hastily written, I think he just meant to say Jobs didn't cure the cancer that way

@OMG! Bacon!: Actually do* was correct. He was implying that most good sound illegal. Sound being a verb I think do was correct.

Hmmm right after "Standard Wall Clock" on the materials list, I had no clue what the fuck any of those things were.