
@supergeek1694: I read that initially, Jobs refused some of the mainstream treatments for more of a homeopathic route. I suppose it didn't work and he ended up going with a surgery

@DorGreen: I too thought that warranted some special section

@seanmcr6:I don't know how long before this photo popped up online the phrase has been around. But this is the epitomy of it

Really nice illustration by Sam Spratt. I like the photo it's based on.

Ok but let's be realistic. Jobs can't do his... Job forever. Forget that he is old and unhealthy but I'm sure he has retirement in mind, regardless of how much he loves the company.

Woha guys, just found a leaked image of the new writing device that's supposed to blow the MacBook Air outta the water...

@DizzySpyral: So how would you say the internet connection is?

Uh, anyone think they went a bit overboard with the Fish?

@silkworm: My friend, you're gonna have to awkwardly get your other hand in on the action...

Actually, if it wasn't for its location, I'd much prefer the other house.

@ru486: Um, actually its almost guaranteed there will be a new iPhone announcement.

@Faslane: Hahah once you pointed that out I realized how crafty these marketers are... I don't actually want this speaker, I want BOOBS!!

Ha Zurich-ians are so lame... Couldn't they have just named it PG6?

@jaymuffs: Not sure what you're talking about man... The cheapest iPad (499$) has wi-fi....

Everything I love about Gizmodo has been exemplified in this post.

I think this offers just more evidence as to the inevitable release of the VeriPhone soon...

@jaymuffs: What do you mean no built in wifi? It does have wifi.. That I'm certain of

Honestly, if you bought that thinking it was gonna work then your a moron and deserve to lose that money as a lesson.