
@HashMaster9000: Well there is greater variety in the hardware of computers (different screens, graphics, even keyboard design)

You'd be surprised at the things people have figured out about the stars without todays technological help...

@Clixx13: Well how exactly the tiny nano-particles can 'nebulize' these substances and combine them should be explained better I think.

Wow, this article was extremely vague... You kinda just posited that nanotechnology made this new substance which is like saying people made the atom bomb with chemistry!

I honestly don't get why companies keep releasing these new tablets.

@j.walk3: Of course you spill Champagne, but thats part of the point. Sure you could carefully open the bottle quietly and safely but popping it open with a blade just screams exuberance

Haha I am this version of Video-phile in my family... For some reason, no one else can see the difference between when I plug the blu-ray player into the TV with component cables as opposed to an HDMI cord... They all think I'm crazy but I like being an HD snob...

Pennsylvania huh? Man that hydro -fracking must be more dangerous than we thought...

@jefffan24: Well whatever man all I know is that if I ever get to design a space ship I'm building it out of that glass and a bit of vacuum haha

Me and my friends took a metal bar to the screen of an old computer monitor (you know those huge ones with the rounded glass screen?)

Fuck yeah they weren't punished that was awesome. It's like that scene in Anchorman "You dunked the helicopter in a lake and caused 500,000 dollars in damage? I'm not even mad, thats amazing!"

Between Netflix, Hulu, (and every other one that shows their show online) annnnndddd uhhh ermm COUGH torrent COUGH...

Well what if they encountered a hill? Wouldn't a 45 ton rock go flying it was placed on balls on a slope?

Hey guys! I'm sure he had to do it... In fact, he was jut on his way to 5 other childrens hospitals... He's kind of a modern day Robin Hood..

OK, doesn't autonomous seem misleading to anyone? You'd think if it was autonomous it would have some kind of purpose. Some independent or even programmed reason.

Clearly this is just a marketing ploy by Apple to rarify the white iPhone so that when they do release it they can make a big deal about it and slap a picture of that mofo right on the ad

Alright.... Not to sound like a douche.... but everyone was so sure that all organisms needed phosphorous to survive. This woman proved that wrong...


@eviladrian: And my original question (which no one answered) was how it could possibly kill you of radiation so quickly.... I feel like it would just leave thousands of people on the verge of death in a horrendous cataclysm

@eviladrian: No asshole. Let me pose it this way. Would you rather die slowly in of painful radiation or by being instantly vaporized? Obviously the latter is a more painless and therefore technically "humane" way....