
Maybe I don't understand this fully but could people actually be fatally irradiated at such a speed that this would be considered humane?

@techynottreky: Yay! nevermind people! a little research goes a long way

@techynottreky: can someone PLEASE tell me how to italicize?? Emphasis on certain words is SO essential to me and the only way I know how is to capitalize... which only makes people think im angry haha

Let me guess.... Was she by any chance a... plastic surgeon?

Why do you even bother reporting this? I mean are you gonna write an article about MY concept?

@Rabid Penguin: Worse than screwing the pooch, better than sleeping with a fish....

Yay! Now they just have to fool proof every other single part of the vehicle from every kind of possible imaginable unlikely accident that may occur....

Uhh, is the Verizon iPhone still coming?

@atrus123: I don't know what your parents are like but mine can barely work a DVD player.... I'd be amazed if they figured out an AppleTV

@Standish: Haha especially in light of the fact that Netfilx is now offering their watch-instantly only plan... im thinking of cancelling the cable subscription as well... Between Hulu Netflix and Torrent, my shows are pretty much covered

@The5thElephant: Hmmm I figured there was probably a free service out there and this is nice. I just know that MobileMe is more integrated into the Mac but yeah I'll deffinatley be checking this out. Thanks!

iDisk would be so cool, even just small space. Bye bye to flash drives to get documents from home to school.

Honestly? Its a hassle to delete people. You have to open your friends list, find a person, load their page, find the 'Remove as Friend' button (made very small and right at the bottom)

@GM_Pax: Ok, and suing a person for millions of dollars for listening to some songs of artists who are getting wicked rich anyway is saintly?

I never understand why people seem so excited about ways that will end up getting them to spend more for shit they probably never needed...

@Ecks: Knowing where to get it yes...

Haha... This announcement would have made me jizz my pants about err 3 years ago when I was just getting into the Beatles and was naive about hot to find music to download online....

@theprancingboar: hahaha ok thanks... didn't realize we had real deep poets on Gizmodo!

@sarge5: Not much is what I'm getting at so people shouldn't pretend like they're about to fly on a plane and get this guy help right now...

@KillerBee: I think they're trying to say that using this new discovery they might be able to put it into non-aquatic plants