
@theprancingboar: ... what the FUCK are you talking about? hahah That was like a high-dea or some shit hahah

Take THAT Pandora spirit tree

AHH this infuriates me soo much!! I'm gonna leave an angry comment on some gadget website and then check facebook and forget I ever saw this!!

Give it about a week before huge creeps drop tons and tons of weird porn... cool idea just not compatible with out society haha

@sarge5: Uh, the problem is that it was private information that someone stole and then published on the internet...

@CommodoreRake: Right here with you man... Honestly, I feel ethically opposed to voting for either of them....

Young Jeff Bridges scares the shit out of me... Uncanny valley

@brt312-: Hahaha those tricky bastards in Sweden embezzle all the funding and then post these photos that they got from an iPhone app every once in a while so that the public never knows!!

@CanceRuss: By someone I was reffering to a therapist...

Ok anyone else see the oddly shaped man having his way with the lady with a spoon shaped-head in the doggystyle position?

Uh... I'm pretty sure there are thousands of these kind of photos produced whenever those guys on TimeWarp popped a balloon (which was often)

Looking at the list of charges i guess theres no crime against whacking it in a strangers house? I hereby propose that the Dwan Koonce AntiJerking Law be passed immediatley!!

I mean, this review probably should have been of the D-pad cuz lets face it... thats the only difference. It seems a little silly to review this like some brand new gadget.

@d0minick: So you facetime with your girlfriends mom?! HIGH FIVE DUDE

@leoaugust: I think the advantage comes from the fact that when you put something on an Apple related anything.... People buy the shit out of it...

Honestly, I think your child playing with baby-dolls is probably worse. Why do we even make those toys? Whats a kid gonna do with premature maternal instincts? Lego blocks have an obvious purpose...