
@lorensingley: Like seriously thats not bigger than say the symbol of a team on a football field...

@JTen: yeah I had read about how going to the Genius Bar could cost you a lot so I didn't bother. I wasn't aware of a cracking problem though... Was the replacement for free?

@lorensingley: Offhand, I;d say your estimate is off. Of course I couldn't in good conscience accuse someone without finding proof.

Ha! Cryin' is fer pussies and demcrats!!

Ok so recently I think my little sister spilled something on my Macbook Pro (unibody) near the trackpad. I noticed some syrupy substance by the pad and quickly wiped it away. To my horror however the track-pad was sticky!! It would press but barely make a noise or sometimes it would click very loudly. Needless to say

Anyone agree that there is something just, so surreal about seeing such a massive object make a turn in the sky at speeds that (at least to the observer) don't even look that fast?

@RodofGod: Somehow I think it would've been funnier if Quentin was saying 'Yes'

@abeeee: Hahaha comment fail... May I remind you that Inglorious Basterds was nominated for best picture (among other Oscar nominations) and Christopher Waltz won an oscar for his supporting role...

Oh yeah its seems like a great idea... Until your device turns on you and covers up an open man-hole and you fall to your death!!!

I'm a vegetarian...

That thing looks so bad ass.... so the question is

Guys an action game with phelps will be sick! You get to go around the world and then come back and party and smoke pot!!! Grand Theft Swimmer:Beijing? I think yes!

I think its kinda misleading to say it is 2 Dimensional... If we follow their line of logic than an atom is by extension dimensionless... which of course defies any reason because when we begin putting atoms together we get a tangible object with measurable dimensions.....

@Jonathan Parent: Hahahaha not to make light of a serious tragedy but your comment was hilarious

@MN952: It would appear not... haha

Hmmm, no. Nope. I wondered what it was like to fly in a Concorde but these photos did NOT do the trick.. Whadaya know?