
Wait, what about this indicates it's an iPad?

@baneyu: Yes option 3 is that I never really cared to begin with, which is WHY I didn't Google it.

@big_dave501: No man seriously, your grammar and spelling were unnecessarily shitty... I mean I was seriously struggling to get through a lot of that only to find out you had no good point?

@baneyu: Sorry dude. I have NO clue what a CCTV is....

@WestwoodDenizen: Seriously what's the deal? I worked hard to get my star (twice cuz I lost it the first time haha)

@big_dave501: Yeah same here... I only get mail like that when I've entered my email into some nefarious online thing... Which I've never done with my new account.

Ok, even if Google did keep a record of your searches (like mommy looking up old BFs) I really doubt they do anything harmful with that information.

@Setzer IIDX: Hahah way to creep people out man...

@TheNr24: Ohh interesting... I guess you can't just go around handing these out willy nilly

This is probably a better solution cuz I feel like if you mercilessly crammed wires and electronics into your carry-on you'd constantly be getting stopped at security and have your bag inspected haha

I'm really surprised... I mean, they HAVE to have priced it to make a bit of a profit on each unit. Even if this profit margin was small, if demand "exceeded expectations" then they should be rolling in the dough...

I really don't think this is a big deal... First of all, I doubt the game will suffer financially because of this decision (who even knew there were GameStops on military bases?). Also, just because it won't be sold at GameStop doesn't mean you won't be able to buy it at Best Buy...

@JohnDeere: So does this mean you could say, get an iPhone an put in your Verizon SIM card?

@♫ Realityism ♪♫: Yeah I was wondering about this as well? Are they switching? Cause that would actually be pretty cool...

@triplecheeseburger: Ping could help finding people with interesting taste in music that you could like but it's also interesting to see what the people you know are listening to...

@MacAttack: Yeah to be honest I think I know a lot of people who won't even hear about this unless Facebook advertises it or something... I don't even know some people's emails and I doubt most of my friends will bother to set up a Ping account

YES!!! this totally means iTunes is going into the Cloud.

@Regal: Hahaha well ok I was being sarcastic... I'm fairly certain they have not implemented Netflix streaming into sneakers

I love it when you call me big PA-PA...