
@Suicidal Octopus: Tell me about it... either way I decided carrying what was essentially like a 2-4 mm thick pane of glass around in my pocket all day was just a bad idea anyway

I wen't with cloud based iTunes despite the fact that I feel it won't happen.

@pmbaustin: Dude your the one missing the point. I said the game wasn't that good. Not in any historical context, just in a purely objective today frame of mind.

@Regal: Are you being serious right now? Cam you really not interpret sarcasm without me having to do that gay ass

This is so unamazing... Considering the number of devices that have some kind of "Netflix App". I mean computers, xbox, wii, PS3, iPhones, iPads, Blu-Ray players, TV's...

@pmbaustin: I didn't say any predecessor to Half-Life did something better. I said games SINCE then have done better. Much better.

@milo128: Yeah seriously I feel like I'm gonna have to go into witness protection cuz I'm fearful for my life.

@clever epithet: HAHAHA thank you! the god damn 3 hour intervals are the reasons I haven't been able to finish the game... Jesus it gets so boring

@The Squid: What everyone seems to be saying is that "It was new". So that's it?

Can someone tell me what was SO great about the Half-Life games? I've played them but they're not that amazing...

@barrywoods: OK I think I understand... thanks

As someone who understands very little about this stuff, could someone explain to me what makes the cans and ring launch? He's just passing an electric current through it?

......and it's coming to Verizon right?!?! I mean c'mon that would be the perfect news to cover up Apple's admission that they had to fix their phone.

Ha! Did you see the kick he got out of the D-Pad?? Just wait till he hears about the iPhone... I think he's gonna shit himself

Wait, whats Kinect?

Holy Santa Claus shit.

@warpped655: Dude I get it your user name is warpped so you probably can't get wormholes and shit off the brain...

@warpped655: Uh the fact that no Need for Speed has EVER taken place in the future or alternate dimension... It's a street racing game not a sci-fi

@Cronoedge: Seriously it wasn't the child's fault. It's very much not evolution.