
Oh yeah a bored that slides over the top to protect people? Ha! yeah right. More like a top to TRAP INNOCENTS

Potassium Chloride methinks... When dissolved in water it gives you a strong acid... Probably the reason the bodies can dissolve so fast.

I'm guessing because you'd have a shit load of floating dead bodies and a bunch of sharks who had already filled themselves off the first 100 corpses.

@cyberXwarrior: No I'm pretty sure what they mean is that while we can plot points anywhere... It can only be within a pre-sketched out design... so you can plot a point wherever you want on some kind of line drawing..

Towards the end of this article I had no idea what the fuck the guy was talking about... I have no clue about what protocols are and oh this little gem sent my head spinning

@paladjinn: Hmm somebody been watching Moon recently?

Since when does Dell sell shit other than comps?

Anyone else think that statistic was surprisingly low? I think everyone who has ever used a computer for an extended period of time would get frustrated enough to let out a Shit or fuck or a goddamnpeiceoffuckingdipshitco...

Looks luxurious... So only the super-rich of these soon-to-be-Atlantis cities will be able to afford stay here?

@Johnbobz: Something about the Ticonderoga is just... Idk its the perfect pencil I prefer it to anything. Haha its not like I have a Ticonderoga poster or anything but they're the only pencil I buy and usually have on on me. So yes, I am enthused.

Ha! As an avid pencil enthusiast (Specifically Ticonderogas) I feel compelled to mention to anyone who may not know that pencil "numbers" correspond to the hardness of the graphite.

Uh I really liked the game for the whole 4 hours I played it. Ok maybe it took a bit longer but still that game was short and not just short but like, ABRUPTLY short. It just ended. I got no closure. I feel confused and betrayed. Damn you Limbo.

@Kody217: Haha like you just see the dick and when she turns to a demon he pisses himself

Cool video haha when he crushed the tin foil against his face that was creepy as hell!! Also I feel like he's a guy who insists on being called a Doctor even though he's not

Honestly? There isn't that much to improve over FIFA 10... I'm most excited for multiplayer celebrations!

This would be great cause I just recently made sure my avatar was decked out in all soccer equipment including F50 Adizeros from the avatar marketplace

The Gravi-Cracker!

Nothing to make you wanna kill yourself more than being forced to wear some dumb company tshirt at a rally your being made to go to...