
@joep1984: Yeah well I figured the bottom but seriously the information is useless without the other label

What exactly do the percentages mean? Is that the percent of consumers who get their speeds or the the percent of the actual speed compared to the speed paid for?

@AcidSpoon: Yes but I believe those states are very primitive and have not yet been introduced to advanced technology like "texting".

@hybrid92: I fucking love this video. I don't think he ever played professionally though

Cell phone owners who admit to texting while driving, why is there a 14-17 year old category?

I think coming out with a smaller iPad would be the biggest insult to consumers. I mean really, what are they going to claim is the huge difference between that and the iPod touch!?! Other than the bigger screen is that iPad are owned by morons

@MistyGanado: Well believe it or not, before VHS pornographic films were shown almost exclusively at theaters. They even had big signs out front with the names and everything like a normal movie theater. And yes they were shown in the U.S and many other countries

@NaraVara: Haha yeah thank you. I knew I read that somewhere, I was trying to find out which episode it happened in and didn't realize it was the movie thank you!

@Yeah!: Haha I tried I googled "Star Trek where they find Voyager" but it kept coming up with Star Trek: Voyager episodes.

@NaraVara: Didn't that happen in like a Star Trek episode? Haha I swear I'm not a treky (as my name might imply) but I feel like I read that on like a wikipedia article about star trek...

I like how they have the different languages as if like, oh we put it in Russian just in case they don't speak German haha

Wow that was really Fox News? That was surprisingly unbiased sounding.

Wow the game looks amazing as ever...

Uh.. I don't know what you people cook but I usually don't have to worry too much about germs and other things in my kitchen... I'm not like, fucking baking enriched Uranium I think my family will be perfectly safe without this

@df747jet: GUESS WHO GOT THEIR STAR BACK?!?! Ohh, I see you still don't have yours...

@diverguy: But I didn't say anything horrible and unkind... I was mocking people who accuse others of being racist, but I recently re-earned my star after having it taken away so I'm going to avoid writing anything that could be seen as offensive in any way possible

@Reil: Lifehacker Ninja: Apparently so... If you're able to make out what I wrote, would you say it was offensive? I thought the part at the end where I go "haha just messing with you" sorta cancelled out my previous sarcastic remark