
@Rvltnr: ppl lk y mk m sck... spps LL ltns lk xctly lk? Y bggtd prck...

@onikeaton: Yeah but when the emphasis in the other article was how the developers had gone behind Apple's back in implementing this feature.

Ok, no offense to you Gizmodo editors but I feel like the fact that you ran an article entitled

@Mike Worldcrusher: Same here... are you in the northeast by any chance because thats where I am and their name isn't familiar at all

@gambrinus2: Or save like 4K and get yourself a big ass HDTV.. while your at it throw in a decent surround sound system... oh and maybe with the extra money you have left over you can get a blu-ray player with a netflix subscription...

This saddens me... Weren't we seeing a trend of declining interest in 3D? All this means is that Samsung is gonna be pushing it like crazy since they've put so much into this.

@gottheguds112: What are you talking about? That phone is pretty cool. It probably works too as opposed to this knockoff

That looks sweet especially the front of it.

Anybody think that this somehow was the first no-glasses-necessary TV when they read the title?

@conkles21: Haha yeah that's what is so conflicting about getting Apple products... They are all amazing at the time they are released but you know somehow they will be either faster/bigger (capacity)/smarter/CHEAPER...

@shyguy528: Then you should know that pretty much all their products get an update every year

I don't doubt for a second that if iPhone released on Verizon in January, you'd see people dropping their other phones like flies as they rushed to the store to activate their Verizon iPhone.

Um Can someone explain to me how attractiveness was quantified? What does the .30, .25, .20 mean? And how did they find negatives?

@Joel Johnson: haha I was thinking the same thing... I suppose Apple is paying their customers to have sex?

@Zinger314: Well I don't think they were saying that people were getting laid more often BECAUSE of the iPhone..

Ok, as far as music listening on the computer I always use

Hahah that's pretty embarrassing... Now they call in the sexual harassment guy to give a talk to all the employees