
Wait, eliminating windows so that its like an iPhone when I can only see music on the screen or Safari on the screen one at a time? That would be disastrous. Maybe it's just me but I've become so ADD I watch a Netflix video at the same time I'm checking Facebook in another window with 2 other tabs (email and Gizmodo

How about a giant MMO where like you pick your own race (ethnicity) and then you interact with hundreds maybe thousands of other players...(here's the good part)... PLATONICALLY

@Annalee Newitz: Haha like the Zoolander scene! "The files are IN the computer!"

@darkslide: Yeah that's true. As I was writing I was thinking how Facetime would probably be integrated into iPod Touch soon

It's a cool idea but I think it would've worked better a couple years earlier when the soft/hardware disparities between the iPhone and iPod Touch were smaller.

I can't help but think they initially started with trying to make a new phone and then were like uh fuck it let's just keep the camera part.

I can see why Apple was hesitant about adding extensions. For example the Rotten Tomatoes extension adds a full bar across the top of my screen which in turn decreases how much of a web page I can see.

@Frank Manda: Yeah man same. You can just change that in your settings I think

@DrewCSchultz: Uh it's erotic literature obviously we don't have any Pulitzer prize winners here...

@justthedoctor: Ehh I don't think scientists will be so eager to just sink a couple million into something which has pretty much already been done before (Apollo missions?)

Also you say Lunar X prize money is $30 million first then $20 million on the bottom

Won't landing a robot on the moon cost MUCH more than $20 million? Maybe I just overestimate the costs of space projects but what would be the point of winning the prize if you just ended up taking a loss?

@joe.woe: Frankly my dear, the guy riding down the street looking like a total badass, doesn't give a damn

First line should read "videogames may OR may not..."

This is half joke but how come Apple NEVER uses black hand-models? What, black people are too poor to have an iPhone? haha it's really just funny if you think about it. I've never seen a black hand touch an iProduct in an ad or otherwise

This was the 1 billionth app downloaded on iTunes... Some 14 year old kid got $10,000 and every friggin Mac product out there for downloading it...

@pouncep: Hehe those were my thoughts exactly

Ben no... Must resist.. Ah the- Must- make mean.. joke about- the guys face.. NO- won't do it! Can't! Ah NOOOO

Ok just to be absolutely clear, does this mean websites could now like, upload movies and offer them for free viewing to people. LEGALLY?