
@tekdemon: I'm sorry after re-reading your comment I realized you must be kinda dumb.

Wow the screens look incredible. Were those the new Arsenal jerseys? Thats cool considering those were only released about a month ago...

@tekdemon: @Charliehorse: Ohhhh of course I forgot that the police are out to get me.

Uh because no one really wants to bother making a good sandcastle for what is most likely a shitty novel?

It's a double edged sword but I don't see how innocent people will get convicted through this method.

Women doing the dishes while men do the work... American dream anyone?

A NEW Hulk?! AGAIN?! I can't handle this anymore

@That Guy: Yeah and your tap water being able to CATCH FIRE is really just caused by mass suggestion too right? I mean if enough people think their water is flammable it's bound to happen?

@pheonix11204: Approved despite your obscene error in the first sentence. "I just SEEN a special of this..."

As a Verizon user, all these articles make me feel pretty good about my choice of carriers. I knew AT&T wasn't great (and I know Verizon has its faults) but when in a review for the iPhone 4 one of the negatives is that it is only available with AT&T, that's insane.

So this wasn't military it was for one of those stunt shows? Wow that was really incredible, what an immense explosion... I never knew the ejector seats were THAT powerful but good thing they are

@kevinv85: Haha yeah try convincing Steve Jobs to build his phone thicker

@mmac1: Ok I guess I just had some more faith in our technology that we may invent some better scratch resistant paint.

@darren6: Please then, enlighten me. What kind of fan do you have that doesn't have a covering over the blades? Because I don't see how else they can be dangerous.

Ok so white plastics are weaker. Please tell me I'm the first one to think of producing black plastic and then painting it white for your product - because if I am I think I'm gonna be rich

This is kinda ridiculous. The review started out reasonable but the "safety" concerns raised by Jason in the But Why Should I Buy It was complete bull. Haha I mean I'd say of all the electronics in my house my fan is probably safest of them all (I realize they call them fan "blades" but they're really not sharp)

@b33g33: My comment was NOT inappropriate. When I got banned though I tried sending Emails to the editors so they could tell me WHY I was banned. I got no reply after sending several and then in one of them I went off and said some harsh things. They replied to THAT Email and told me I was permanently banned. I

@Ian Logsdon: Yeah Giz does some of this stuff too. I mean are operating costs of a blog so expensive they have to run full TV ads so that I can see a DIY video?

Ok, this happened to me a couple months ago and it really made me question the commenting system of Gizmodo (Gawker).

This is bullshit... Internet advertising is becoming more of a nuisance than TV and radio... I mean it's one thing to have banners on the margin of the webpage, but Youtube has those annoying things that pop-up on your video.