
I swear to god if it came out on T-Mobile (weren't they supposed to go bankrupt next year?) before Verizon I would-I would... FREAK OUT

Oh thank god. From the very start I was hoping this would end as fast as possible. I will admit once 3D TVs were coming out I got a little nervous but this is reassuring.

If I wasn't already a big fan of Christopher Nolan, I would be now

@bigbenxxx37: Yeah but it's another thing for the solution to be plugged into a robot made out of Legos

Well wait, if this is a SOLUTION to the reception issue then it won't work right?

Well of course they will! Christ, is it just me or does anyone else think that these fucking carriers don't even TRY competing with each other? If ATT made some ridiculous change why the hell would Verizon follow?

Other than games what practical uses are there for physics engines like these? I mean it's very cool I guess animation stuff?

Cathode ray tube mother fuckers... got a 4 on my AP chem test...

Honestly, even if the touch screen works this still sucks

When THAT fucker runs out of ink.... OHH boyyyy will you be pissseeedddd

Wow I bet they put the antenna on this phone right in that big ass part on the bottom!

I honestly don't understand what you people are talking about. Sure, the bars go down when you hold it that way but how badly has this AFFECTED anyone?

@MazdaMania: When Steve leaves Apple will be a better place? Steve is- no I'm not gonna argue.

@nvyseal: How about, "No one throw stones"? That's progressive right there

@sknyluv: You're retarded man

@hercules_100_98: haha and im sure 50 other ppl had the idea before me... but im terrible at photoshop and just wanted a record oof having the idea

I can't photoshop but I claim the idea to have a hand with special fingers that won't affect iPhone 4 reception

Those are foam right? Cause if not that isn't a reception testing lab its sadistic *Chamber O' Death*

Ohhh is that what "have your cake and eat it too" means?