
Looks more like a stillbirth.  But you do you.

Bruh. This is 2022. We’ve all been to at least once. Nobody actually cares; even the anti-abortionists. 

her sophomoric directorial debut”

Long before COVID we had to deal with the con cough. You have any sizable convention, it becomes a breeding ground for viruses and a larger than normal number of people end up with an infection. Merely being at a convention raises your risk, it’s not just immune compromised and unvaxed people who have to worry.

I would love to see less of Kanye on Jezebel. Everything he says or does is for attention for himself. I genuinely believe that Kanye cares only about himself- white, black, civil rights- all these things are tools to get attention. He is despicable.

For a minute I was concerned that bringing it on stage was a bit much since accidents do happen.  Then I realized it was a flute and I don’t care.

The flute has been the property of the Library of Congress since... 1941. So for all of you deeply rooted in heritage and history, that’s over 100 years AFTER James Madison died. It’s not like Lizzo dug him up and pried it from his withered slave owner hands.

Are you having a stroke?

It was Jay!

The current State’s Attorney for Baltimore, Marilyn Mosby, is under Federal Indictment for a series of financial crimes and making false statements. The timing of this coincided with her criminal trial going to jury selection. Why does this matter? She announced all of this after 8 years of doing nothing and sitting

Love when people normalize medical procedures, definitely the ones that are deemed ‘embarrassing’ or ‘only for the elderly.’ I was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer at 29 years old. Nothing could have prevented my case, other than having genetic testing done years earlier (I didn’t know I had Lynch Syndrome). I had

Rich, come on. Godard was so influential. Give him more kudos!

I agree, the post reeked of ignorance.

per Roger Ebert from 1969...

Thank you! People who probably can’t identify the UK on a map, let alone Nigeria seem to have a lot to say about British imperial geopolitics. 

The woman lost multiple family members in the British-backed Nigerian genocide and had to flee the country with her parents as a child. This is less “Look at me” and much more “Look at what Elizabeth Windsor’s reign is responsible for.”

Nah the “Look at me!” came from the billionaire who found a regular person’s tweet and used it to pretend to be moral and ethical

That is really helpful advice that has worked well to stop all of America’s problems.

That seems like a fairly innocuous observation to me, if a little too colloquial: what am I missing?

Misery is Joyce Carol Oates’s bag. I’m not surprised this is the life she imagined for Marilyn Monroe.