brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Without going into too much detail, I have a client who is permanently disabled because of an accident at the hair salon. Better training might have prevented the accident. There’s no way to know, of course.

So if I come up with my own (I have), can I claim I just saved us $40 on the wedding budget and reallocate it? Mama wants a new pair of Converse.

There are four grocery stores within a block of that CVS, at least one of which is open pretty late.

I’ve lived in the Richmond area for 10 years. It’s a majority-minority city; within city limits, the population is about 52% black. The poverty rate in black communities is very high, whereas in white communities it’s

There was a male skater in the 90s (Canadian I think) who did a routine to music from Schindler’s List. It was devastating every time. His vest had “Never Again” in Hebrew embroidered on it. *That’s* how you do the Holocaust in ice skating form.

A friend of mine has a documented allergy to vaccines. She almost died as an infant because of it. Consequently, she can’t be vaccinated. When she enrolled in grad school in California there wasn’t a way to get a medical exemption so she had to claim religion instead. She’s a hardcore atheist so we all thought that

I moved to The South 10 years ago from California. Two months later I was in a very bad car accident with a lot of legal fallout. Consequently I wasn’t allowed to talk about it with anyone but family and my lawyer. A few weeks after the wreck I got called into my 90-day evaluation and lost points for “appearing

I haven’t had an issue with Prime, but UPS can die in a fire. My neighborhood was somehow designated a high-theft area even though it is incredibly safe. Therefore, my $7 phone cases get rerouted to a dry cleaner* 4 miles away but when I bought an Xbox it was left outside my door without so much as a knock. I know

This surprises me exactly not at all. I’m a fat decidedly non-feminine woman and I was fired from my first restaurant job for “not fitting in” with the rest of the FOH staff. Read: everyone else was skinny and hot. My manager went to bat for me and I was able to stay on but only because I was really good at managing

Depends on the state. In Virginia, you have to be separated (not just wanting to split up but living separately and not having sex) for 6 months if there are no kids, a year if there are. And only after those 6-12 months can you file for divorce.

Source: I’ve been with my fiance since two months after he and his first

Thank you for reminding me why I don’t miss Temecula, AT ALL.

Well. There are a lot of reasons. But many of them are weather-related.

I would love to involve our dog in our wedding but we’re getting married 6 hours away from home and she does not travel well. She would flip the fuck out and have a massive panic attack and it would be bad for everyone, most of all her. So as much as I love that ridiculous mop of fluff, I know hiring a competent

I’m so glad my evil sister is so evil she wouldn’t offer to be my MOH under any circumstances. There’s a real possibility she won’t even come to my wedding (which, oh shucky darn, how sad).

My fiance went to U of R. We live near the campus and go to basketball games fairly often, in addition to a handful of football games each season. It sickens me that I’ve been cheering on at least one rapist whose criminal acts were essentially sanctioned by the university.

I used to know a dude on the sex offender registry, and he was restricted to living within one county in our area. That was hard. He couldn’t live near schools, churches, community centers, or bus stops. That was even harder. Last I heard from him he was renting an illegal bedroom in a basement from a slumlord who

My sister hates her second daughter’s middle name so much, she’s declared that no one will ever know it. It starts with an O and my idiot brother-in-law picked it out (while my sister was recovering from an emergency c-section which happened eight weeks too early) so it’s probably something incredibly terrible.

When I was job-hunting I wore a plain silver band on my ring finger because I thought people would take me more seriously in interviews (had no plans to marry at the time). I was probably right.

I was an unpaid intern for two years (thanks, social work). I firmly believe the entire practice is unethical and should be illegal. If you can’t pay your staff, you don’t get to have staff.

I unapologetically wear boxy dresses ALL the time and I couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks of them. I don’t exist for anyone’s gaze. If I’m comfortable and meeting the dress code wherever I happen to be, that’s all I need.

I’ve forbidden Partner to spend more than $100 on my ring. Hell, he gave me a perfectly wonderful $35 ring for my birthday not that long ago and I could happily call that my engagement ring whenever we decide to make it official. I just don’t see the point in spending money when we’re both in low-income professions

Spoofing is such a pain in the ass. I live in Virginia but had a California phone number for many years. Over a span of a few weeks some years ago I got a *lot* of angry calls from people in my hometown wondering why I was calling them at all hours. I wasn’t. Someone was spoofing my phone number. There was nothing I