brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Just when I was starting to think maybe the world isn't so horrible after all.

I once knew someone who believed if she never ate meat and carbs in the same meal, she'd never get sick. From anything. Ever.

I once fell deeply in lust with an engineer, and in an attempt to get him to pay attention to me, I let him teach me how to count in binary on my fingers.

I used to work at a restaurant around here that had a lot of hype, mostly because of the exec chef. He turned out to be legitimately tyrannical and more obsessed with firing people because they forgot their nametags than producing quality food.

I grew up in an upper-middle class family (although my dad grew up dirt poor and never stopped acting like we had no money so it took me until adulthood to realize we were well-off). After college I became a member of the working poor and have stayed that way. I'm about to start grad school in the hopes that I can

Oh my dog I just laughed myself into a stomach ache.

This didn't happen to me, but to a friend whose wedding I was in some time ago.

I just had to take one for one of my social work classes. For weeks afterward my classmates were all "Oh you're such a P!" like all the time. I think those stupid things are about as useful as a horoscope myself.

I have an ex who is asexual and I am definitely not so it didn't work out, no harm no foul. It's truly amazing the number of people who have decided I was the gross terrible bad person in that relationship for having a sex drive. We were not of compatible orientations. These things happen.

I used to work with a girl who was kosher and hated vegetables. Sitting next to her during a menu tasting was HELL. I "accidentally" kicked her a few times.

Patches of sunlight spontaneously generate cats.

I dated a guy in 2012 who was still wearing his JNCOs. For all I know that hasn't changed. From that point onward I added "a sense of style" to my boyfriend must-have list. Not that Mr. Brotherjo is a paragon of fashion, but at least he knows how to exist in polite society.

My whole adult life I thought I was a body-positive, size-doesn't-matter person. Then I dated a dude with a micropenis and...well. He was a sweet guy but I just couldn't with that. I am not as good a person as I thought I was.

I'm a cis female in a relationship with a cis man. I'm mostly straight and 99% monogamous, though if Mr. Brotherjo were open to inviting a Very Special Guest Star to come over every once in a great while I would not be upset. I know he's not into the idea, and I would rather be with him for the vague indefinite future

I don't have insurance and I can't get insurance because I'm too poor and my state won't expand Medicaid. Lucky me!

My birth control currently costs $4/month because I'm enrolled in an indigent care program through my local university (which I also attend and work for). HOWEVER, I have two refills left and I have been

There's a movement here to allow open-carrying on my large, urban campus set inside one of the poorest neighborhoods in the metro area. Muggings of the primarily white, mostly upper-middle-class students by the primarily black, mostly low-income locals are rampant, and tensions between the two communities are always

We keep each other happy. We negotiate and compromise and look at each other sideways and sometimes tell each other to shut up but ultimately, we keep each other happy. It's a nice change.

So far, everything does just work. Every decision we make together from small (getting pizza tonight) to large (yes, we should live together) has been *so easy*. Like we talked about shacking up casually for a couple months, but then when we decided to go for it, it took 3 minutes while he was shaving and I was

You really need to stop telling complete strangers to "get over it" based on 0 information, context, or background.

I decided on my second date with my feller that we would get married. We haven't talked about it yet, mostly because he is still technically married to someone else (divorce takes forever when one party is a complete flake with no sense of personal responsibility!), but we did just move in together and there is a