brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

You should! I got heavily into Meetup after I broke up with someone and realized most of my friends were his friends and hence I needed new friends. I'm in a movie/theater group, a couple of different liberals-who-live-in-red-state groups, the game group, one for science-y people, etc. I'm never bored, that's for sure.

Something similar happened to me earlier this week. I've been really sad about something and I was talking to a work colleague, and mentioned the sad thing. She told me a story about her niece that really, really helped. Before we talked I didn't have a clear idea of what to do next, but now I'm much closer.

Meetup! I joined just about a year ago and it's awesome. I've made many friends through the group, even briefly dated one member. I love being able to get together once or twice a month and have fun without talking about work or drama or anything but Munchkin or Scrabble or whatever.

Got to hang out with a teeny tiny brand new baby today, and then my board game group surprised me with cupcakes and a new game for my birthday! Now hanging out and waiting for Boyfriend-Jo to get back so we can order Chinese food and watch King Kong (the original of course). Tomorrow is my actual birthday/party and

Latkes with sour cream and applesauce! Preferably when my mom makes them but really any latkes are ok by me.

What? Everyone needs a friend sometimes! My sister's two male cats, both neutered, snuggle and bathe each other all the time.

Jesus Christ on a cracker I can't wait until the Kanye meme dies.

Yesterday I learned I share a birthday with Sasha Obama. Today I learn I also share it with Prince Philip? June 10th rocks!

So far mine is Soul Music, but I haven't read Mort yet. The first one I ever read was Thief of Time. Pretty sure Death is my favorite character.

Yeah, when he asked me what book I wanted for Hanukkah, I fired off a list of books and authors, including "anything from Discworld." I ended up with 50 e-books (33 Discworld), all of them clearly pirated. I chose not to ask too many questions. Lovely man, wish it could have worked out between us but oh well. We still

Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo can raise your blood pressure, which could cause the symptoms you're describing. You may have to switch pills. Are your feet and ankles unusually swollen by any chance?

I share a birthday with Sasha Obama! We should totally be BFFs except I'm more years older than her than she is period so that'd probably be weird.

As much as I love a good cake, I honestly can't make anything better than what comes out of a box. I wish I could but my taste buds love the mix too much. I did make a pretty righteous chocolate sour cream cake about 6 months ago but it took for-freaking-ever.

Oh, I know. I've read probably 5 or 6, but not in any kind of order. A friend of mine gifted me with almost all of them as PDFs (I will not ask him how) so now I'm starting at the beginning. I think I'll enjoy the experience much more this way.

I'm reading the first book in the Discworld series, The Colour of Magic. I'm also half-assedly reading The Picture of Dorian Gray, and soon I'll start The Language of Flowers for book club. I'm really glad I joined a book club again; if I had my druthers I'd read the same 20 books over and over again and be perfectly

Thank you! It's actually Sunday. I'm making a chocolate cake from a mix. It will have vanilla frosting and be decorated like a cat. I find it's much easier to make the cake a day or two ahead of schedule and keep it in the fridge before frosting.

Big ALW fan over here, but I can't stand Phantom. I've seen many, many iterations and I just can't with it.

Baking a cake, doing my laundry, about to sit down with a knitting project and watch a cheesy romantic movie.

Pretty much any terrible disaster movie. Volcano, 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, stuff you see on Sy-Fy on Saturday nights...

I work with free clinics. Many free clinics are run as missions or outreach centers of churches. Many of them have in their mission statement, "We serve people who need help in a way that follows Jesus' teachings" or thereabouts. Through my organization they receive taxpayer-funded grants. However, our clinics are