brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Yeah, I don't really remember asking for stuff either. I'm pretty sure I had a hand-me-down Mr. Potato Head with many pieces missing. That seems about par for the course with the toys I had growing up. Then again I was way more into reading than playing, so.

Flipping through the slide show, I can only conclude their food was infinitely better than the crap they served at my prom.

It sounds to me like the prom was not restricted to people of any one religion or background.

Donna Karan inexplicably makes me think of my sisters' friends when they were in high school in New Jersey in the early-to-mid 90s. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Apparently not...

Time to see if ANY of my friends still pay for cable so I can use their accounts to get my Olympics on...

Once I had two Red Bulls and a slice of toast for breakfast and then I felt like a hummingbird for eight hours. That was 6 or 7 years ago and I haven't touched an energy drink since. When I'm exhausted and need to stay awake I'll drink a Diet Coke or a cup of hot cocoa. When I'm exhausted and want to nap I'll lay down

I used to have lovely olive skin like my dad and I would rarely, if ever, burn. Then I hit puberty and got my mom's fishbelly-white skin and now I can only not burn if I'm wearing several layers of SPF-lots and lots. *le sigh*

In my experience many hospitals are pretty bad at dealing with transfolk. I had a friend who presents as female, had a legal name change and everything, and admitted herself to a local hospital with suicidal ideation. The entire time she was there, every hospital staff person she dealt with referred to her by her

My oldest nephew's initials are ARF. Poor dear.

How about Willa? I've always liked that name and found it sadly underused.

I don't think I'd like to name one of my kids Lydia but I would give my grandmother's maiden name (Fried) as a middle name. One of my nephews already has my mother's maiden name (Wolff) as his middle name which sucks because I like it so much.

I have friends with a baby named Finch. It's adorable now but I'm trying to picture a sullen 15-year-old Finch and it's not working.

I passionately hated my first name until I turned 26 or so. It's highly unusual and I pronounce it differently than my family does which has led to no end of fights. I've come to grips with it, mostly because I couldn't think of a first name I liked well enough to change it to. I'd love to be named after my

I have to love anyone who signs a letter in such a delightfully old-timey way.

I can kind of sort of if I squint and turn my head just so understand the point she's trying to make here.

My all-ladyperson office is going bowling tomorrow. So far I haven't received a memo about a pre-teambuilding diet, so I'm calling that a win.

Oh yeah, that's a good one. Ok, there are three.

Once in class we were trying to figure out if there's anything that's universally funny across all cultures. We came up with two: poop and babies. Never not funny. Well, almost never.

There are some crimes and actions that are simply unforgivable and unjustifiable and no amount of rehab or jail time or apologies can fix that.