brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Both seasons are on Netflix!

The video of Thomas Jane just makes me sad Hung was cancelled. Apparently I'm the only person in the world who watched it.

I've tried a bunch of things, ranging from the Mayo Clinic Diet (the good one, not the grapefruit one) to following American Diabetes Association guidelines to cognitive behavioral therapy.

I definitely didn't just watch that video four times in a row.

Oooooh. Thank you!

I must be horrifyingly square because I have no idea what "selfie" or "scrunchie time" are.

Any word on the condition of a driver? It sounds like he may have had a seizure...

When I read this news I thought it was a combination of sleep deprivation and a bad twitter prank. Now that I'm fully awake and I know the internet isn't lying to me, it's taking every ounce of energy I have left not to yell FUCK YEAH at the top of my lungs all day. I don't think that'd go over well in the office.

I've been journalling intermittently for a while as part of various other diet plans. When I actually do it it's pretty easy and takes almost none of my time. When I don't do it I feel bad. So that part doesn't bother me so much. I just wish there was an app for my Windows phone. I refuse to join the iCult.

I've been a member of my Y for over a year now. I love it! The only real problem I have is when I can only go when everyone else is there and people are parked on the resistance machines and I end up spending more time waiting than I do working out. I've gone from barely being able to do 15 crunches to actually having

I've been extremely resistant to Weight Watchers in the past. My mom basically forced me into it when I was 16. The people in the group I went to were (largely - not exclusively) trying to lose 5 vanity pounds and knew all the tricks for getting the weigh in they wanted, regardless of whether they actually followed

You know that scene in The West Wing where Leo talks about being an alcoholic and he says, "I never understood people who could just take one more drink?" Or something to that effect?

Sometimes the last vestiges of my conservative Jewish upbringing sneak up on me and I feel a little guilty after dirty sinful sex with my heathen boyfriend. Not anymore! Now that I know we're doing it for science, I have a higher cause to think about. I'd feel guilty about all the time we spend not humping like

That sounds a lot like a former roommate of mine. She has an advanced degree and really seems to enjoy working but has freely admitted her only real goal in life is to be Mrs. Herfiance (who was also one of my roommates). And furthermore she would not accept his proposal until he had asked her parents' permission. But

Brava! Very well done.

One of my classmates has very long nails. I don't want to ask her this question because I'm pretty sure she'll beat me up behind the flagpole, but I have to ask: how do you function with long fake nails? Can you type? Can you write? Can you brush your teeth or fry an egg? Can you have private sexytimes?

Ugh. Is brainwashing really a thing, and is that a justification for kidnapping? Because I'd say a rescue would be really useful right now.

A friend of mine who's a stay-at-home mom (see what I did there with not using the acronym?) has herself listed as the CFO of Lastname, Inc. I think it's actually kinda sorta a little bit cute, but then again she also rarely talks about being a mom on Facebook. Usually it's about her struggles with poverty and trying

My oldest sister has 3 kids and runs a small business. I told her if she ever calls herself a momtrepreneur I will stop offering to babysit for free. The look on her face was horrifying and hilarious. I think I put the fear of god into her.

Heaven forbid I ever forget I'm only as valuable as my uterus.