brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

I'm not a fan of period sex, as a period-haver, mostly because when I'm having cramps I really don't want to be touched down there. New BF doesn't like it either, so it works out nicely. But at least he's smart enough to be mature about it. "I'll probably be on my period this weekend." "Oh, I don't really like period

Just don't blame me...

See, I do a lot with my hands and I have no strong desire to take a ring off every time I want to knit or whatever. So a giant diamond solitaire? Never gonna work for me. Maybe I should just insist on a band for both the e-ring and the wedding ring. Keep it simple and useful.

That's a shame. My sister inherited a beautiful opal ring from our grandmother and I covet it so much. She doesn't wear it often I don't think.

I want a pearl ring but I've been told they're not practical for everyday wear. Le sigh. Maybe I'll shoot for a moonstone or an opal instead.

The Big Macs and Coke thing? Personally I've never had a Big Mac in my life and I gave up all liquid sugar a couple years ago. I prefer whole foods and such, I just don't put a label on it or try to convert anyone. I won't comment on my personal intelligence, but I know it doesn't come from my diet.

I'd like to add the lovely comment from a person above: If you disagree with me it's because you're too dumb from eating Big Macs and Coke all the time.

Yeah, I tend to clump extreme diets into every other lifestyle choice, including religion, music, sexual proclivities, etc. I don't fucking care. Just don't get in my face. Found God? Rejected her completely? Became a hipster? Only eat things you know personally? Good for you. Go away.

I'm not. I never had the opportunity to study either biology or psychology beyond into-level classes so I don't know as much about either as I'd like. Although I did quite a bit of human evolution as an undergrad. Regardless of whoever tends to have that attitude, it drives me nuts.

The plural of anecdote is not data. Glad your diet worked for you, though.

"I hate (this thing) that wasn't part of human society 100,000 years ago but is now, so therefore (this thing) is terrible and unnatural and should never be used." - Evolutionary Biologist Of Today

Then you are not eating barley the right way. I've never had barley gruel before. With you on the spinach, though. I could eat it by the bucketful and never be satisfied.

When I think of evolutionary biology I think of the guy who wrote Sex at Dawn, which is I think what Lindy was referring to. Dude is obsessed with the idea that monogamy is evil and responsible for all the world's ills...or some shit. I don't know. I couldn't even pick up a copy of that book after hearing Dan Savage

High-five! I'm Type II. When I was diagnosed in November 2010 my A1c was literally off the charts bad. I got it down to 6.2% currently by obsessively monitoring my diet and exercise. I invite anyone who wants to go on a crazy diet to live like a diabetic for a week first. If they haven't lost their mind from the carb

Not to mention, anyone who has reduced sensation in their extremities (people with nerve damage, diabetic neuropathy, or similar) cannot go barefoot. I'm not even supposed to wear shoes without socks or any kind of knee-high or knee sock. (To which I say, madam certified diabetes educator, I love you, but you can have

Lindy I love you and wish to make you my spouse or best friend or partner in crime or something. Almost without fail, the people I've known who are raw/paleo/evolutionary biologists are smug, irritating, and insufferably pious.

I'm so glad I never wanted to go to The Best School In America. I wanted to go to The Best School For Me. (Which, as it happened, is a pretty damn good school, but that's irrelevant.) I got in, did fabulously, and am now repeating the process for a master's. The school I've chosen has a pretty damn good program. Is it

I got over my fear of the dentist by becoming a patient at the local school of dentistry.

When I got my gallbladder out several friends told me I should ask for it back in a jar. I had it biopsied instead and stopped talking to those friends. My view is, if it's toxic (be it a failed organ or a rotten tooth or an idiot acquaintance) it doesn't need to be in or near me.

It's weird to me that Ira Glass is in his 50s. In my mind he will always be my cool 34-year-old neighbor who likes kale and microbrews.