brotherjo: no commercials, no mercy

Feminine in my culture, but you might not recognize it as such. And no. I'd rather you not try this game but if you insist be aware that I will not tell you anything else.

Good luck. The odds are strongly in my favor here.

My boyfriend's name is Gene* and my name is one letter off one of the names on this list (I won't say which because it's a very unusual name and if you google it, you'll find me almost immediately). So I take umbrage on his behalf and mine.

I have a mental picture of Zach Braff in labor now and IT IS NOT PLEASANT. I hope you're happy.

I would like an hour alone with Salma Hayek's brother, please.

An open hand on my throat will give me a panic attack. Guaranteed. And this is an improvement over my younger days - I used to get panic attacks from being touched anywhere on my head or neck, with the exception of getting haircuts. So...if anyone tries breath play with me during sex, that's the last time we'll be

Well, a font with those things is called a serif font, and a font without them is sans serif. So possibly they're called serifs? I'll leave it to people who actually know graphic design to tell me I'm full of shit.

It's not often that I'm in the mood for bubblegum pop, but when I am, I'm all about The Monkees, especially "I'm a Believer." It perfectly encapsulates the beginning of something new and surprising and lovely.

It's available as a SNUGGIE? Goddamn.

I really hope so. Apostrophe abuse makes me go all Hulk smash.

Is that sign missing an apostrophe?

Ten internet points to you!

Aaand I very nearly snorted my Cherry Coke Zero. Good work, friend.

I'm not really a comic book/graphic novel person. I'll probably stay away from those. Angel was a character I would have *loved* circa ages 13-16. I'm quite a bit older than that now and I just want him to grow a pair and stop growling when he talks.

Oh, I hope so. And can I just say how glad I am that Riley left the show. Like Angel, he was a prototype of The Almost-Perfect Boyfriend, not anything interesting to watch. Drove me nuts.

I loved loved loved her performance in "The Body." Her whole speech leading up to collapsing in the chair...I was sobbing. And nodding in agreement. No one tells actual humans how to deal with that stuff either.

I just finished the fifth season for the first time and only now, having watched "The Body" and the subsequent episodes, do I like Spike. He's a total badass who is occasionally capable of virtue. Amazing. I didn't really like Buffy until "The Body" either, and now I'm back to not liking her again, but at least there

The only quote of hers I remember verbatim is "I have condoms. Some of them are black." The other day I thought of that scene while reaching for my stash and collapsed with laughter. Confused the hell out of the mister.

I want a ring with a stone. But not a diamond. I really sincerely dislike the way they look, especially solitaires. My birth stone is pearl and it's really a shame that pearl rings are a bad plan, because that's what I want most of all. Maybe an opal...