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“He’s picking up his teeth!!”
Back to back you would be taken more aback by the oddball continuity issues with Maggie going from nearly dead with infection and run away fever on a stretcher to just having a bad morning. Daryl bleeding out from a gun shot to being just grumpy. Or perhaps get overly tired of them stretching 90m of episode into 4 1/2…
To be fair, that’s a good show no matter your alternatives.
“Jags fans recognize this like their own child.”
Ratings are down.
When asked why he hasn’t been playing badly
So a 98 yard gain that falls just short of the goal line is not reviewable, but a 1 yard gain on first down from the 1 yard line is what you want to review.
The thing that is different though is that Phil is an elite player. So he’s not some fat goateed middle reliever who can throw a good inning every few games. He’s out there on the top line as one of the top scorers on the team that just won the Stanley Cup. Can’t really think of too many examples of elite players that…
Phil Kessel looks like a regular guy who accidentally walked into the Pittsburgh locker room before a game while he was on a tour of a cheese factory and just kinda went with it.
So where does Phil Kessel rank on Pro Athletes that Don’t Look Like Pro Athletes? He’s gotta be up in, like, the “fat relief pitcher” percentile.
Somewhere on a street corner in Toronto, a hot dog cart vendor is shedding a solitary tear.
“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”
Couple of things:
The average NFL game is awful. That gets hidden when there are three to eight going on at a time, but when you break them out, the overwhelming odds are the standalone will be a bad game.
At least that’s a rivalry, kind of?
If the NFL really wanted to do something about TV ratings, they’d stop airing Jets games.