Brother Babyface

I’ve definitely met several feminists who fell into the “cardboard” category as you put it. True, I think they are much fewer and farther between today. And you’re right about military culture has a strongly entrenched bias against women in many roles. I served in the US Navy for several years, and heard officers and

Geez, dude, the 100lb/6" difference was YOUR example! You’re right about averages being closer size-wise, but there’s no point going down the route of imaginary-gender-boxing. As for my example, your “less charitable” possibility is indeed untrue, but the woman in question was absolutely trying to hurt me (drunk and

Agreement, but clarification: I think many people DO disagree with the physical differences between men and women. Or else they ignore them, or else they demonize anyone who recognizes them as a hideous, filth-spewing sexist. That’s my point; acknowledging differences does not a sexist make. It’s those who extrapolate

I think we’re in total agreement!

(I was specifically replying to your 5/4 6:24 comment about “inferiority”, but also in general to the whole “never fight a woman” discussion.)

I replied to Moses above on the general issue, but the very difference you point out in strength/size/weight plays into PHYSICAL reasons why women have not been prevalent in military combat roles and domestic police/firefighter roles. The requirements for a job, if physical, should not be changed based on gender. If a

It’s not a matter of anyone being inferior, it’s a matter of accepting reality in regard to physiological norms. On AVERAGE, men are physically larger, stronger, and faster than women. They have denser skeletal and muscular tissue. That fact doesn’t make women inferior, certainly, but it’s still a truth (and an

I’m like...

It was good (and inevitable) to see it happen, but I feel like they missed an opportunity, or at least cheapened it a bit. Depsite her self-doubt, and specific inexperience with ressurection, Mel nailed it on her first try. No complications, no rare components necessary, just a quick trim, some chanting and BOOM -

This falls into the category of; “Really Cool for Fifteen Seconds”

Sunset Overdrive?! Even FREE on GwG this month, I still couldn’t get through more than an hour of this paper-thin, ADD-inducing piece of garbage. Taking Fallout 4 off the list, but leaving THIS steaming pile on is just mind-boggling. Admittedly, FO4 wasn’t what it could have been, but it’s miles beyond the quality of

Am I the only one who kinda LIKED the DOOM movie? Sure, it was cheesy, but it had some good atmosphere and characters. And Keith Urban and The Rock?? Guilty pleasure...

Looks pretty, but award goes for “Least Informative/Pointless Trailer” of all time.

“Little touches” make MotP feel grown up?? Little, like showing on-screen deaths for the first time (in the Animated Series universe)? Showing the Joker actually KILLING PEOPLE? Just tiny stuff...

Wanted was a great setting, very cool concept and book overall. The only thing that jarred for me was the final “showdown” against Mr. Rictus and Co. VERY recently before this, Selzer told him Rictus would destroy him easily. At the final battle, Rictus has dozens of other villains backing him up. Wesley takes them

The problem is they’ve pinned too much on the wrong guy. Snyder has done some good work (300, aspects of The Watchmen), but after MoS, they should have cut their losses. He is NOT the right person for the job.

Good stuff, it was enjoyable seeing words put to many of the things I loved about the show unconsciously. Regarding #9, there is one exception; in that the exact opposite can work just as well, and for the opposite reason. The initial “big bad” of S6 - The Trio - were both vicious and pathetic, dangerous and bumbling.

GT definitely put out the best video-based reviews content-wise, but the actual platform left much to be desired. I started waiting for the vids to drop on their YT channel, worth the delay to not deal with their buggy, ad-ridden home platform. Glad to hear they’re coming back!!

Some VERY good tips here, but a few of these approaches get skewed in the later game. I initially agreed with your Grenadier assessment (focusing on explosives over gunning) but after finishing the game, I’d argue that the Heavy Gunner Grenadier is ultimately more powerful than the Demolitions Expert. It’s true;