
That guy who complained about not getting fed before the people who worked their ass off to set everything up and the guys that could potentially save their lives if something went wrong bugs the crap out of me. You’re a big boy, put on your big boy pants and go find some food if you’re that hungry.

Oh heavens, please don’t feed the help before the elite members get their share.

While I do kind of get the complaint, “the help is getting their food before the talent!” is kiiiiiind of petty

Now playing

“you should choke on my lijiang tower”

I’m having fun in Competitive.... >~>

You bought a console for a game without a release date?

I...don’t think you have played Overwatch.

Is that supposed to be comforting? I thought they were going for morbid and depressing and making fun of Nintendo’s seeming lack of forward progress as a gaming company.

I don’t get the ______ comic. I hate them and they need to go away...

I want to see grown hairy men fuck. I am not nobody, thanks.