Brother John

It wasn’t a dick move, it was a realistic moment of her not knowing what to say. If you think that’s “being a dick,” then you are wrong.

As autistic person I felt the same way. I enjoyed her being frank like I sometimes am.

Raises hand in agreement.

The idea the Doctor is “socially awkward” is complete bullshit. Even the new the new one, she is absolutely an extrovert.

Hey, remember when the Twelfth Doctor was so insensitive that he had to have cue cards made? And Clara called herself his “carer” and he said, “Yeah, she cares, so I don’t have to”?

See, I didn’t even get the comedic vibe from it; I didn’t get a read that Thirteen was being flip, there was a nervousness there. Barring any reveals later in the season my theory is that the Doctor’s new identity crises have unmoored her enough to make her build up a personal wall between her and the TimeFam. 

As someone socially awkward that never knows what to say until after the conversation has ended, I found The Doctor’s response honest, open, and refreshing. Instead of giving Graham platitudes that mean nothing, she let him know she was listening but didn’t have the words he wanted to hear. At least she listened and