
Your movies would be so boring. If it was just like real life and real situations with average looking people I would just go to the grocery store or the bank.

Does it bother you in action movies when people shoot like 50 times at the same thing and always miss? Its not real. Not everything is obligated to mimic real life.

PLEASE tell me you are from England?

Do you sit around and actively think about the next thing you want be be upset about, or does it just come organically?

But you aren’t taking into account that white people are the cause for black on black violence. My head hurts.

You aren’t a prominent figure in the Blm movement either.

No, suggesting that all lives matter does not make you a racist dick. But thinking that makes you a fucking idiot.

However, if they were smart, they would change it to all lives matter and not so many people would be turned off by it. Regardless of what the hidden message may be, a lot of white people are obviously interpreting it a certain way. Whether it's designed to or not, the movement is causing a racial divide. If it said

Are they? All of them? You are probably a geeky white guy who has a blm shirt. Fuck off.

Interesting that I only see white people making that rationalization. When I see an official Blm spokesman say that i’ll consider believing it.