
Still a less creepy relationship than Batman and Batgirl doing it on a rooftop.

x marks the spot

It could use something, anything: sfx, a camera move, to make it look more like Cassidy lunging forward with her mouth open. That sounded more dirty than intended.

Scene composition was on-point at the farmhouse. It really spiced up the otherwise plain setting.

They show that not every guy is terrible.

Claire: 'I know someone who can help'
Audience: :DDDDD
Jessica: 'Nah'
Audience :((((((

By this point I saw that the show is Misogyny: The Superhero Show with Tennant as a super villain "nice guy" immature sociopath, complete with parent issues. Simpson is the violent rage-driven misogynist who shouts that men get raped too and seals himself off instead of joining with others who share the same

The last third of the film is worth slogging through the beginning (or just skip it)

Unnecessary quotes around "hilarious." The less-fit buddy is a great audience surrogate that shows the fail results of any other human trying these feats

I'm glad they're giving a high school art student a chance to draw for one of the big two.

I enjoyed the LSH cartoon. Season one had some fun episodes, such as the Starfinger/Rejects one. Season two had some good drama and the legion origin told in flashback. Season two never got a release of any kind though.

At least 2 of the three members fly Southwest so they can't be that rich.

I clicked to find additional material to fuel my hate for Jack White, but I agree with most of his statements (the exception is the Meg White one).

A-: I legitimately laughed at several points (when's the lat time that happened?), but at the end I thought "What did I just watch?"

I didn't buy the Hickey/Abed interaction, but I thought the other subplots were done very well.

It's usually poor form to highlight your own shortcomings without giving a solution, so here's hoping.

I laughed insanely loud at work with that reveal. I figured there would be a subversion of the Shining twist, but what they did was beyond my wildest imagining.

A: first one this season that I immediately watched again.