So has everyone forgotten about The Culling, which did a similar concept before EITHER Fortnite and PUBG?? I mean if by some leap of logic PUBG devs won, I’d say have The Culling devs take the entire lawsuit earnings from PUBG devs.
So has everyone forgotten about The Culling, which did a similar concept before EITHER Fortnite and PUBG?? I mean if by some leap of logic PUBG devs won, I’d say have The Culling devs take the entire lawsuit earnings from PUBG devs.
Have they patched how the game upped the system microphone to max yet? Every time the game loads certain things, some streamers I watch that run the game and stream on the same PC have their mic blow-out when the game loads into the region from start-up and typically after fast travel or reloading from a death. Are…
Monsters go enraged, you’ll see the blue line turn orange occasionally under their portrait while they are enraged. They deal more damage during this time. Also, certain monsters gain stronger moves closer to death (Nerg deals a ton if you get him to skull level and he goes to sleep, for example) and Bazelgeuse gets…
I think the devs should just link them up, if possible. It happened in one instance already, just do that again. Don’t announce it, just throw the switch.
The Xbox One and PS4 had a large pre-order window and AFAIK the majority (nearly all) of people that put in a pre-order got them on top of typically 10-50 store shelf placement units depending on number of pre-orders and market size. When Nintendo product is available for pre-order, each outlet gets X amount of…
I wouldn’t mind making myself, but yeah, that’s where I would end it. I mean just think about DQ5 and making your own potential wife 3 times. The characters having their own unique looks (and the fact that if I can make an abomination, eventually I will) makes it a more personal choice between character looks, their…
I watched this, and caused the exploding trucks at 30 mins in. Oops.
They only left if you went back to start to heal up or save and were tired. Also, P3's dungeon was more forgiving in the sense that you have plenty of time to max out night-only social links and grind more. Some nights if you wanted a max social link run, you had to go to the dungeon to avoid a “right before bed” call…
My ISP (Charter Spectrum) rolls it into the cost of the service, so I would still be paying the same whether or not I brought my own modem. I suspect soon more will just add $5 to the bill overall and make the fee “disappear” to please everyone.
My ISP (Charter Spectrum) rolls it into the cost of the service, so I would still be paying the same whether or not…
Cost:performance ratio is the main issue. The difference in 4k and 1080p on a 32 inch display will not be as noticeable as 4k vs 1080p on a 55inch+ display. The cost of the smallest 4k displays are easily going to be $200-$400 than a 1080p display, making 50-100% extra cost at the small size to upgrade to 4k, whereas…
The two things are the price point and timing. $400 and in time for the holiday season is going to punish Scorpio if it goes above $500, and unless they are either getting a good deal or selling at a larger loss, I’m estimating Scorpio to be $550-$600 at launch (and I’m estimating a lowball there on supposed specs).…
No UHD Bluray support? Looks like I may have to pick up an XBO S. Not wories about 4k games from consoles yet, even having a 4k display. PC is handling 4k just fine, UHD from PS4 Pro was the main thing I was concerned about. Dead in the water for people looking for a 4k game and video machine like PS2 and PS3 were to…
So does this support the UHD 4k Bluray discs or not? That’s really the only reason why I’ve held out for getting either this or the XBO S and trading in the unit I’m replacing.
I may have already. I just don’t own a 3D printer large enough to print one.
At least this is an actual list all on one page. I almost never click through individual slide pages, and even if I do, adblock is on so they get zero revenue from me and spend more money in bandwidth.
The item space limitations coupled with needing elements to survive are what turned me off. I get too paranoid otherwise. The other issue is I have found several systems with planets chock full of gold, yet each time I warped, nobody was buying gold. So in my quest to try to find someone to buy all the gold (i’d even…
Oh man, so many. SMB 3, Punch-Out!!, Phantasy Star 4, Shining Force 2, Sonic and Knuckles, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, FF4, FF7, Dragon Warrior 1&2, LoZ: Link’s Awakening, DDRMAX 1+2, MGS 1-3, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, Diablo, Diablo 2, StarCraft: Brood War, King’s Quest 5+6, and Gran Turismo 3. All these from when I…
Whereas 3 is easily the best all around IMO, 1 being in second in terms of combat and I put 2 far, far below the others in terms of combat scheme. I never got a hang of Witcher 2 controls. 1 was at least simplistic enough, and Witcher 3 seemed to take my issues with 2's combat and fix them so it made sense to me. Of…
It’s isn’t that the gameplay cannot be good, it’s that it isn’t THE Metroid game they wanted, Prime or 2D Super/Fusion/Original (never had the systems to play the Prime games so I’m more partial to the 2D ones, and even then I’m not a huge fan of Metroid). It’s the same as I feel about Metal Gear Survive. The gameplay…
Has anyone poked around in the game files to see if we can mod in the PokeRap on a continuous loop instead of the basic overworld music?