
Bought this for 5 bucks off ebay a few weeks ago and have yet to watch it. That being said, Hana-bi is brilliant and Sonatine is good (although nowhere near the same level as Hana-bi)

All of this. Especially 39 Steps, Scarface and M. I can't stand when people write off an entire decade of film. When people single out the 80's I feel like beating them to death with a copy of The King of Comedy.


Fucking brilliant film. I mean it's Scorsese and about 89% of his films come under that category but yeah, fucking brilliant

As an amateur budding film review, it's a little insulting to see that he actually has a job in the industry I dream of entering. What a complete twat.


Cruising around San Andreas at very high speeds to Rusty Cage was so much goddamn fun.

All I'm concerned with is will Seyfried and Franco give us "full disclosure". Like literally that's it, other then that I'd rather go watch actual 70's porn.

2 tracks in and it's the best thing I've heard in 3 fucking years!

All I read out of this was Gillian Jacobs and Hot Tub, you have my attention