
I don’t root for anyone’s death. Then again, I would go back in time and kill Hitler.  

Tebow is a special breed. He is not white as much as what he stands for with some people. But I hear ya. I think racism is more prevalent than we think and more overassumed in specific cases, if that makes any sense.

This post is a real PSA. If young Donald Trump would have learned to cover up his crimes at a young age, we would not be in the mess we are in right now.

Being a jerk as a teenager does not mean you are a jerk now. makes it more likely that there are a jerk now.

Okay. Sometimes humans speak it was is called the vernacular. We use expressions that are hyperbolic. But you are oh so right. Lance Armstrong is not the worst person ever.  You win. 

Maybe. But I’m judging him by the is he a decent human standard. I think he fails that. 

I’m not unmindful of your point. I just don’t think — based on what I know — that Lance was like “Let me start this so I can help people.” I think he wanted to help his brand. But the byproduct was good.

It is often the case. But it can’t be that a white sportswriter can’t criticize black athletes.

Okay, that was not the conversation. But if it makes you feel superior to be to think we were making a list of worst people, run it.

He did not just cheat. A simple cheat I could live with. Two things:

He got a raw deal in the first place? Huh? I can’t think of a worse guy or someone more deserving of this plight. 

How do you access the odds? 

I don’t necessarily see race here. I think the guy is just an idiot. 

I don’t need a conviction. He did it. There is too much evidence at the time and based on future facts.

Right. Let’s pretend he was innocent.* Wouldn’t you do everything you can to direct people towards a different view of you?

If the world thinking you are rapist does not lead to a change in behavior, it is hard to believe copping a feel from an Uber driver is going to get us there. 

You want to be a forgiving person, right? Redemption is always possible. But it is really hard to take his “I’ve learned my lesson THIS time” trope seriously.

That is another way of looking at it that had not occurred to me.

I feel better knowing that they have made the concession that they could do things better. That is what I call owning a problem. 

Yeah. As a neutral observer, I wanted to see the humble fans of New England prevail because they always handle victory with unimaginable class.