
I’m oddly fascinated with this topic and will read this article and enjoy it, but for now this is as far as I got.

I have to believe the answer is no. If Cohen was his lawyer, it’s also a conflict of interest/ethics violation, right?

I feel like the only way Beyonce would work on Snatch Game is if she used her song titles as the jokes. When introduced, she says “Say My Name, Say My Name”. If she doesn’t have an answer, “Please move on to the left, to the left.”

The list of athletes feels like some mild shade toward Tonya Harding. All of the other figure skaters are “Olympian figure skaters” while Tonya is just “former competitive skater”. Even if you set aside THAT Olympics she did finish fourth in the 1992 Games. Better than the others did, individually, no?

Clicked through on the the “hoodie” link. What in the hell is going on with that model’s knees? Am I the only one that thinks the left knee belongs to a 15 year old and the right knee to an 85 year old?

I always assumed that there was inherent racism associated with Black Panther - but not the ridiculous type of racism that this article so brilliantly skewers. I thought the studios (Marvel/DC) created these characters to broaden diversity (which is great) but did so in a cringe-worthy way.

I think we need to use this and other examples to set the boundaries of republican family values.

Commenting on a tangent should not take away from the point of your article which I thoroughly appreciated. That said, isn’t it OK to say Latina women (as opposed to Latinx women)? I support the use of Latinx generally to be inclusive but when referring solely to women is Latina acceptable?

I think this is a great statistic and a step in the right direction re lessening (I will not say ending) the stigma of HIV. However, I feel like these statistics should be tempered with the statistics showing the overall rise in rates of STIs.

Not to diminish your point, which I wholeheartedly agree with, but Chris Pratt (not Pine) is in Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic Park. Chris Pine is in Star Trek and Jack Ryan. I get it though - all the Chris’s look the same.

Because this is the least important part of the story, but Gabrielle’s husband’s name is actually Dwyane. Yes, Dwyane.

“Or—if you’re extra lucky—those doctors will cut that uterus right out of you!”

I fell asleep during the Exorcist. At the time I wondered what this said about me.

Did anyone actually read the article (past the headline)? I didn’t/couldn’t, and it appears that not a single commenter did either. :)

Intentionally responding to you instead of others. I thought there was precedent that if one chose to enter into the public market with its business there were certain bases on which one couldn’t discriminate. Douchebags, though they may hold high political offices, are not a protected class (yet).

28,000.00 members? Are we rounding now to the nearest one-hundredth of a member?

Assuming he were a regular citizen without special Congressional insurance, how would John McCain’s cancer treatment be covered by the plans being proposed by either house of Congress? Just curious.

Is it though?

From your headline I surmise that having to sit through this show is as pleasant as having a large object forced up your bum (both of you, at once).

I think (based on nothing but my wild speculation) that it started as “spilled the T” as in telling the truth, in a gossipy way. Similar to “All T, no shade.”