
That would be amazing! "Scream" reunion! No wonder she left him, what with him always trying to randomly stab her when she was going down to the basement to do laundry. And don't even get me started on FP's obsession with prank phone calls and how he insists on wearing the same Halloween costume every day…er, year! :D

Sleuthster is the search engine that *strictly* only allows access to budding junior private detectives :)

Complete with finger snaps and jazz hands! Dance battles are practically mandatory in such epic showdown moments! ;)

I could only think of Harry Potter when I realized he was living in a closet under the stairs. Poor poor Jughead. :(

My all-time fav. Twin Peaks cringe moment (that felt more like a lifetime cuz it just went on and on) is when James is singing the "Just You" song with Donna and Maddie. AHHHH!!! Soooooo baaaaaad and yet somehow so satisfying at the same time! My sister and I still sing the song every now and then in very exaggerated

Oh god, some of the acting on Twin Peaks was sooooo cringeworthy. Mostly pseudo-bad boy James and later in Season 2 when they added Heather Graham as a love interest for Cooper, which I'm *still* not over to this very day. (Audrey/Cooper shipper for life!)

It did!! Which is why I will only watch the Director's Cut (sans narration) version of Blade Runner to this day! I'm a cinephile snob like that sometimes. Haha!

You think he'd be making sure to bring his empties back in to get money back to put towards his next booze purchase. Is that a thing in the States? Cuz it is here in Canada. I don't drink, but my Dad has been saving his empty bottles for as long as I can remember. Recycling kids, it's important and sometimes even

Yes, it will be cool to see who they eventually cast as his Mom for Season 2. And Jellybean too!

Apparently the actor portraying Reggie (Ross Butler) is also on another show, so they had to reformat their original planned Reggie storyline to fit with his scheduling conflicts. Reggie was originally supposed to have a much bigger role in the murder mystery arc, where he was a prime suspect! I learned this all from

True, true. Don't think I didn't notice every little, tiny cute non-verbal moments between the two in earlier episodes too. It mostly started when they began teaming up to be cutie-pie "sleuthsters" together, but I can trace it all the way back to the moment at the end of Episode 2, when Betty is looking back at

Omg! I remember that show! My sister was obsessed with it! Featuring young Ian Somerhalder, Charlie Hunnam and Kate Bosworth. I only vaguely remember the show though…I remember that there was a character pretending to be a boy who kissed Ian's character and that I liked the guy who was in love with his maybe-half

Omg! Sounds like a veritable gold mine of great new character opportunities and future storylines to me! Let's hope they're bitter rival towns (Like what Shelbyville is to Springfield) that are also connected to the crazy Maple Syrup Dynasty that controls Riverdale! Greendale Humans for the win! ;)

I'm convinced that this show is just gunna keep checking off boxes of ways they can do homages or be directly connected to Twin Peaks. Kyle Maclachlan as Hiram Lodge anyone?

I think he's pretty dreamy too. "Get out of my dreams and into my car!" Uhoh…that sounds like something FauxGrundy would say to her latest boy-toy victim to lure them into her Lolita-mobile. My Cougar-stripes are showing! Gotta run!

There are just too many redheads for some of them to *not* be related. It's like a weird Ginger-cult town! Instead of the white-haired kids in "Village of the Damned" these alien children were all born with red hair.
"Now you're thinking, 'How did they know what I was thinking?'" ;)

Yeah a lot of people think that Archie's Mom (who will be played by Molly Ringwald and making her first appearance in Episode 10) is possibly related to the Blossoms. Like maybe the Mom's sister. So then Archie and Cheryl would be cousins! Kissing cousins? Haha ;P

I just read that the next episode (that we have to wait all the way until March 30th for - Booo!) is called "The Outsiders" - Called it! Hahaha, no not really just a convenient coincidence!

I only guessed right about him showering at the school (cuz I saw a pic and thought it looked like a school bathroom mirror and wall behind him), but I didn't know he was living there. So so sad… :.(

It was Pop! He's the only one with a freezer large enough to hold a body. Haha j/k ;P