
^^THIS! Yes you described his performance perfectly. I felt the genuine fear and anger towards the end of the interrogation scene, like he finally realized how it really wasn't a joke and he was in serious danger of being falsely accused of the murder just cuz he was an easy target. That quavery voice was just the

As evidenced in this show, given Betty's family's apparent mental health history. ;)

I imagine that Jughead actively avoided being at home, assuming they've always lived in the Sunnyside Trailer park (great name btw), and probably spent most of his time over at Archie's, so he must have at least known who Betty was, even if they didn't interact together much as kids. Maybe other kids weren't allowed

There should be a mandatory 'Dumb Archie' moment in every episode. Minimum of one, but multiple instances are more than welcome (as evidenced in Ep. 6, in which I quickly lost count of how many 'dumb archie' moments there were).

Totally. But what was up with the Cooper attic being filled with museum artifacts from 100 years ago? All the creepy old dolls and an ancient looking wedding dress looked like they would have fit in better in the attic of the Blossoms creepy 'Addams family' McMansion, not the Coopers (the rest of their house conveys a

I agree that I would have liked their relationship even more, if there had been more of a slow-burn, build up to their romance (even just a few extra scenes of them hanging out or being adorable junior detectives together and maybe a few longing glances from Jughead to Betty, etc).
I still like to imagine that Jughead

Oh man, that is basically my dream for Bughead. Starting their own private detective agency and getting into dangerous situations and then (because everyone knows that solving mysteries is a natural aphrodisiac) having sexy times to celebrate their combined brilliant deductive skills and overall awesomeness! ;) <3

OMG that's the best most ridiculous name ever! Man the Archie comic writers must have had a field day way back when they were coming up with all the character names.
"C'mon guys. We gotta come up with the most uncommon, crazy-sounding name (each with a *minimum* of 3 names) for each and every character, no matter how

They're appropriately pretentious sounding for an angsty teenage boy who thinks he's gunna be the next J.D.Salinger. I especially loved and lol-ed at the ending narration for episode 6 where he was describing AWOL Polly as "alone, unmoored and bereft" - sooo she's a boat that got loose and floated away from the dock?

(sputters) O-Of *course* I'm a Harry Potter fan! I am shocked and appalled that my posts didn't automatically convey that I'm a diehard Potterhead! Haha j/k. Yeah, I've never listened to any of the audio versions of the books even though I've re-read the books too many times to count. Mayhaps I will check out my local

Yeah the whole show often gives off a Lynchian vibe (which I love, cuz I'm a huge Lynch fan), and not just cuz Madchen Amick is in the cast. A lot of it is the creepy woods atmosphere (they are filming in/around Vancouver which is not too far north from where they're filmed Twin Peaks (in Snowqualmie, Washington) so

Hahaha so true! I live in Canada, so I know what it feels like to be bundled up in a parka for 6 months straight every winter! No wonder I'm always pale as a ghost for my (if I'm lucky) one beach day in the summer. ;)

Yes, I agree that the arson job was more than likely drug related. And nothing to do with the killer. Maybe Jason stole the drugs and his dealer has been searching for the stolen drugs all this time.

Give it time…(re: Archie breaking up Bughead). It's bound to happen by the end of this Season, I predict. And I'm a diehard Bughead shipper, so I'm obviously not looking forward to it. But I have a gut feeling that Archie is going to 'suddenly' be interested in Betty, once Betty and Jughead's relationship status

Noice! "Josie and the Pussycats" could do a cover of that song! ;)

I still can't get over the name…they better have a Halloween episode somewhere down the line where Alice Cooper (the Mom) dresses up as Alice Cooper (the rock star)! I would die of pure unbridled joy! :)

If Grandma Blossom hadn't so rudely interrupted Jughead and Betty when they were doing their 'sleuthing' in Jason's bedroom, they were probably 5 seconds away from finding Jason's panty collection. XD

Yeah I noticed that too and thought, "Reggie's not so dumb that he doesn't know that Kevin is gay - so that's nice of him to be inclusive in their sexy dancing time and not be shown actively ignoring him!" The booze could have also played a factor in his inclusiveness - he's of the 'happy drunk' variety ("I just lurve

I'm surprised Veronica was even allowed to appear in that dream sequence, if it was meant to portray a stereotypical all-white, perfect nuclear family from the 50's - isn't Veronica half-Latino in the show? They probably just included her because it was also meant to be a fun throwback to the 'Classic Archie' comics

Yeah you just *know* that that hip flask is gunna rear it's shiny metal head again in the future and cause all kinds of trouble for poor Archiekins! It'll be a "Very Special Episode" of Riverdale all about the dangers of hip flask drinking peer pressure amongst teens.