
Maybe they *literally* have maple syrup in their DNA now - If Great Grandpa Blossom was willing to kill his competition over his love for maple syrup money…it's not *too* much of a stretch to imagine that he was also having an affair with a tree, am I right? ;)

Teen dramas so often portray the romantic relationships between two characters, as simply showing them making out and immediately falling into bed together (see: Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, etc) - I *love* that they're taking the time to have Betty and Jughead be all shy and chaste with one another and acting like

Yeah the whole interrogation scene and him talking to Betty shortly afterwards (guess they couldn't find a lawyer for poor Jughead in that Podunk town!) was so sad, because you could see that Juggie got nervous after Sheriff Keller was listing all his "petty crimes" from his troubled youth and he could clearly see the

I read about that too, a while ago (about Jughead having an identical-looking cousin named Souphead in the comics) and immediately thought, "Well they've obviously gotta bring in Cole's twin brother for a guest starring cameo, cuz otherwise that'd be an unforgivable missed opportunity!" :)

Yeah Pushing Daisies is like the only show I've ever watched where I didn't mind the narration. That guy had a lovely, charming voice that perfectly matched the candy-colored whimsical vibe of the show. Often when narration is used in television or films, it feels unnecessary or heavy-handed, and sometimes even

Maybe the police are just lazy and didn't want to write out his whole long-ass birth name, Actually, judging by how little they're doing to solve Jason's murder, I'd say 'general laziness' is pretty accurate description of the Riverdale police force.

Uh oh…but then we'll be constantly worried that they'll suddenly snap and go on a wild killing spree just for kicks!

Especially in their product placements ;)

I agree and am also happy to be proven wrong! My friend told me about this show and mentioned that the only cast member she knew was, "One of the twins from The Suite Life show" of which I have never seen, but knew vaguely of, in that it was a Disney show and therefore probably super cheesy and filled with lots of

Or maybe Jughead never mentioned her when they were kids. Or just never mentioned her in front of his Dad, I suppose. That part surprised me too, when FP didn't apparently know who Betty was. I would wager that his on/off battle with alcoholism played a part in him not knowing much of anything about his kids, let

Of course Jughead knows. His Dad showed up wearing his South Side Serpents jacket when Juggie was leaving the Drive-in (with all his SSSerpent buddies joy-riding around on their motorcycles in the background) in episode 4. That was the scene where it was revealed that he was Jughead's Dad. You'd think in a town the

I'm surprised they didn't invert the camera so that we could read the compact label right-side up! Gotta *really* make sure the viewers can see that label clearly! I live for the Covergirl product placements that are completely devoid of subtlety!

I actually prefer Jughead's body type over Archie's…his muscles are almost *too* perfectly sculpted to the point where his abs/pecs look fake to me. I'll take the tall, lanky guy (who's still in decent shape and has some toned muscles, but not looking like he pumps iron every day religiously) any day over a

He saves some of the prettier bottles for decorations - you know real talking pieces for when he hosts his weekly wine tasting soirees

Awww seriously? I think he's one of the best actors out of the "teens" cast and I feel like he's doing a wonderful job (especially in this episode) of conveying conflicted emotions in a subtle nuanced way. The scene with his Dad outside the Police station was absolutely heart-wrenching (thought both Skeet and Cole

I agree that that's the most likely story. But why would he keep Jason's jacket? Cuz he thought it looked cool? Reminded him of his own glory days as a football jock? Or because he tried it on and it fit so nice he thought, "What the heck! It'd be a shame to let such a nice Letterman jacket go to waste!"…here's hoping

Ohhh don't be so sure! Me thinks Archie will eventually grow to become jealous of the Betty/Jughead union and suddenly (and conveniently) realize that he's had feelings for Betty all this time. Mayhem ensues! ;)

Skeet is a national treasure! He's always been an underrated, nuanced actor.

Yeah what's with everyone slowly sneaking up on their friends and relatives instead of announcing themselves like normal people? They're taking a page out of Grandma Blossom's book - creepily slinking out of the shadows, but at least she had the decency to say "Hello" first, granted it was in a voice that would rival

There's always money in the banana stand ;)