
I saw that show :)

However true or not true your assertion is - and I am inclined to think it’s pretty true - the past behavior of an industry does not negate the current opinions of one of its members.

No, the reason they didn’t ask is because he was legally not able to discuss it. that’s how the settlement was written.

Doesn’t mean he’s guilty, either.

No cab companies certainly do not have to pay a minimum wage.

I drove a cab for about fives years here in NYC, ending in 2004, and nope - they do no such thing.

I know this comment is a year old, and I promise I’m not starting a flame war here.

Couldn’t FC Dallas reasonably be expected to compete with Ligue 1's Toulouse?

When someone calls me for a reference, there are two ways to go.

live in a city and have a yard?

Fine, live in a “city” like “Albuquerque.”

Well that’s the whole debate. Nobody disagrees that posting the video was tacky.

But consent doesn’t come into it - Amber Heard didn’t consent to be mentioned in this article; she doesn’t need to because this is a news story (however tawdry.)

So... I was there.

My interest in soccer is exactly 2 years old - my 7 year old, Zlatan-loving son got me into it - and my only live soccer matches have been NYCFC games.

Last week were were Paris on vacation on got tickets to this PSG Chelsea match.

It was fucking awesome. The Stadium was awesome, the Parisians smoking

I live on Van Brunt for the last 8 years. My wife grew up in Sunset park, but no - I did my growing up in Westchester. Plenty of grass to mow.

Sarah Lorton: Good Fork?

We owned one of these. It got washed away by Hurricane Sandy three years ago, and we replaced with a Mini Clubman.

The XB was a better car.

“Plus, who’s going to be offended by poor portrayal of Albanians?”

My wife, the Albanian. But she’ll live.

Late 70’s early 80’s in southern new jersey, my mom used to ask all the time “would rather wait in the car or come with me while I shop?”

Agreed. Meanness for its own sake.

I’m sure that the restaurants have to give a slice of their revenue to grub hub, so it makes sense that they’d be more interested in serving direct call-ins.

I just looked at my son and thought “you know, maybe I’d like to go for a jog with him one day.”

And so I stopped cold after 20 years.

Can't do that in Red Hook Brooklyn. No grass to mow or fence to clean. Alas.

I've seen Bono more than once at Fanelli's on Prince St. He ain't 5'9".