tu fui, ego eris

Thanks for the vid

I legit thought Cheryl Cole and Cheryl Tweedy were different people.

He needs to Leave Britney Alone

Bad take

I’ve had docs remove my oxygen and leave it on me whike they did otger things. If youre not him or his doc, you literally know nothing and are getting indignant for weird, showy reasons lol

Beards are too much work. Marriages of convenience seem exhausting.

Damn 😶

It’s a bad mash up of rpdr, chopped, and skin wars lite, but it’s trash I’ll definitely watch. This shit is fun, and i get to see nervous mua!

“dominated” lmbo

...Where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter!

It’s gross when anybody does it tbh

Britney is all of us

This is now yr intervention

Im depressed bc my dental paresthesia i got having my wisdom teeth removed is looking like its going to be permanent. 4 months with everything under my nose being completely numb, with no improvement or change. I know people live through worse, so i dont want to complain, but this is a total bummer for me.

efcdons seems to be implying trans women are just cis men who have had medical treatments

You don’t know how any of this works, do you.


Im 30 and dont know how to find a street dealer The bros outside the hookah bar have nothinh but bamma

Theyre $45 - $60 locally for 5 mini pre-rolled.........