
Yeah, being anti-vaxx is being anti-autistic people, PERIOD. I and people like me have the right to exist. I am not scarier than vaccine preventable diseases that CAN KILL. If you are anti-vaxx what you are saying is that you’d prefer a dead child to an autistic one. Ableist attitudes like that is what led that guy in

My grandmother was 89 when she passed away a month ago and in hospice at the end when she was starting to be pretty unaware and we knew it would be over soon we just went ahead and told her Hillary had been elected and my grandmother, the lifelong democrat who went back to college in her 40s, was so happy. So we need

I’m waiting for the NRA and their new poster boy DOnald Trump to issue a statement about how terrible it is for the police to gun down someone for having a legal handgun in his car. Or for Cliven Bundy et al. to start agitating about federal oppression. I am expecting to wait a very long time.

I felt like I was the only kid in my high school who saw him as an irresponsible idiot instead of a hero.

I’ve maintained this since reading the book in high school: Christopher McCandless was a stupid, naive, unprepared dink who thought he could piss in Nature’s face and get away with it. He got lucky a few times, but sooner or later if you don't respect Nature it will kill you dead.

JFC. I love how completely this post has managed to exhibit Jesse’s point about equality.

Stay safe students! May the spirit of MacGyver descend upon you and help keep you safe.

“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”

Raise your hand if you’ve taken your 5-year old son into the ladies room with you and no one has batted an eye?

The best way to reduce abortion is to reduce poverty. The problem is the “pro-life” crowd keeps electing politician that want to cut assistance to the poor. So, the “pro-life” crowd actually helps to create the conditions that increase the likelihood that women will choose to have an abortion over giving birth. Of

Cher: she is talking about going to See’s Candies, which is clearly her fave, because she knows a lady who’s been there 16 years. But a man who’s only been there 2.5 years is already the manager.

Here she is, racist as fuck again (and no, I’m not talking about the Iggy Azalea shit, but her anti-semitism, and then there’s her homophobia too). Wonder how many of her defenders are going to show up this time. She’s the worst.

yeah, I put this book alongside Under The Banner of Heaven as being so damn hard to read because each page makes you more and more angry.

I read this book. An important thing to know about her particular cancer cells is that they behaved much differently than all other samples, which made them incredibly beneficial for research.

As a die hard fan of the original movie and Stand Alone Complex, this is sickening. Major MOTOKO KUSANAGI is clearly Japanese. IDGAF what they’re bullshit weak ass racist marketing reason was FOR ANY OF THIS. This sends the clear message that Hollywood executives would rather pay a team of animators to FUCKING CHANGE

Yellowface is yellowface even if it’s CGI.

The only real way I can see braids being unprofessional is if they are some full on Hit Me Baby One More Time school girl type of shit. Other than that, they typically look very sleek and professional without being boring like a typical ponytail.

Last week one of the girls from Teen Mom made headlines when she had her hair styled into dreadlocks. As soon as there was an outcry that this was cultural appropriation the masses of the internet came out to say there’s no such thing as cultural appropriation/ she was just admiring black culture/ PC culture has

I see white girls with braids working at Zara every damn time I go to one. I’ll bet my ass there isn’t a “no braids” policy.

Same thing happened when I was in high school. A classmate complained, and the school’s reaction was so aggressive and protective of its own interests that the student then recanted. She saw that the school wasn’t going to support her, so she clammed up was taken out of the predatory teacher’s class. Then the teacher