
Two things:

The Advocate reports House Bill 757 would “allow adoption and foster care agencies, homeless shelters, drug clinics, food pantries, and for-profit businesses to refuse service to LGBT people.”

There is not many productions based in N. Carolina, but Atlanta has become almost the third or fourth busiest production hub in the US. It would be major if people started pulling out of there.

Darth Cheney is one of the harshest abominations of the era. ‘Tis a shame the media never held him accountable for myriad atrocities.

(Proof positive the media isn’t even the slighest bit “liberal” or journalistic.)

Fuck the south. Between this, NC being total dicks to the transgender community, the dipshit GA senator (FEMALE) who is trying to get rid of rape kits as evidence.....I’m so embarrassed to be from down here y’all.

Kinja got my back. It’s called A Killer Among Friends. Thoughtful title. And bonus, it stars Tiffani-Amber Theissen. And Patty Duke, the Grande Dame of Lifetime. Can you let us know if you watch it?

If you remember what this movie is called, please let me know — I have a very real and sudden urge to watch this macabre Lifetime affair.

Does anyone remember a true life Lifetime movie where a group of girls kill one of their friends out of jealously (and horribly) and then console her mom. One of them even moves in.

Fear of the “other.” Some cis people quite literally do not see trans(*) persons as fellow humans.

You know, I thought there were a surprising amount of African proverbs about wanting to bang Walt Whitman.

Egyptologists are amongst the most corrupt and disingenuous liars on the face of the planet. They have probably known of this chamber for decades, and pulling it out now achieves for.them some sense of relevancy. The fact that they cling to the great pyramid of giza as a tomb and tomb only when it is rife with

Because women don’t deserve justice, of course.

Sadly, the polar bear would die from heatstroke almost instantly if it did get free. This was actually my first thought when I read the headline: Holy crap! The bear is gonna die from heat stroke! Glad Berit is O.K.

What a creative way to save taxpayer money! Other things that are not real and therefore do not require time and/or effort:

Sigh...kind of disappointed that it’s another white male. Would have loved to see a woman, and/or someone non-white.

“ Things just went too far and someone got scared”

I’m glad she has opened her eyes and seen the people she worked for as they really are, but it’s crappy that it had to happen this way. The fact is, women and/or any kind of minority is expendable to the conservative movement, because the movement isn’t for them. Their help is useful until they go against a white

Right? Someone else pointed out that her make-up as Gamora was more natural looking. If you are going to be colorist and disregard her family's wishes at least find someone that can do natural looking makeup...