
I'm not angry at individual men for their attractions— and quite frankly, when a guy says he isn't looking to date women his own age but is willing to date me because I'm young enough? Immediate red flag/lady-boner killer/-100 respect points forever. What I'm angry at is the world that creates men who are taught to

Really the vast majority of marriages/relationships are between people who are within a few years of each other. So men aren't so much privileged as they think they are privileged. The guys who don't run the cost-benefit analysis and realize that they are losing value as they age are likely to end up alone.

No, but it's stupid for them to think that super young women want to be bothered with them, and kind of hypocritical.

It's not "pointless" to be angry about gender inequality.

The problem with that theory, though, is the ridiculously low upper limit these types of guys will set— maybe a year or two older than them, versus, say, all the way down to 18 or 21 for the lower limit. They're not throwing any darts above them, so to speak. Ughhh, it makes me so ragey/barfy all at once.

It also reflects the privilege men hold when it comes to life choices and family. Many men seem to believe that the option of kids, family and "settling down" will be available to them whenever they're done "having fun." My experience from my 20s was that most of my female peers, whether they were ready to get

Actually recent studies suggest that after 40 male fertility can drop by over 50% and by the time they reach 50 only 10% had sperm viable enough to fertilize an egg. The idea that spermatogenesis can create viable sperm until a man dies is a popular myth and while some men may be able to reproduce until they die they

No kidding. I have a friend who's had four miscarriages. Only after she found a woman GYN was it suggested they test her man's sperm for abnormalities. Ya think?

Yep, I've heard this too. I really think the way we ignore this is a holdover from older beliefs that anything going wrong with conceiving is the woman's fault.

I'm going to post this separately as a general response to all the men positing that older men seek younger women because of declining fertility. Guess what? Your fertility declines, too. Sperm reproduces upon itself, meaning each "cloned" sperm is of lesser quality than the one it came from. (Think of every movie you

We joke around that he found the best anti-aging cure ever; marry a much younger woman and start a new family.

That's a really interesting personal account. I'm glad you shared it, as I've never met a couple that (as far as I know) had that type of international arranged marriage. But I think the issue has less to do with whether or not it's possible for a good and respectful man to have or seek a relationship with a younger

Seems irrelevant since you can spin i the other way around too. If that were a huge factor wouldn't women want younger men to take care of kids for longer and have better sperm?