Catniss Cliterbean

the fact that Matt and Trey refuse to make fun of Trump

Animal Crossing does something a little like that. The beginning of each game is in first-person perspective and a person on the bus/taxi/train next to you asks why you’re moving to town. Your answers determine your character’s appearance, but you don’t actually see yourself until you get off the bus/taxi/train a

Waiting for the obligatory Breitbart wanderer to comment “boys have a penis, girls have a vagina”.

I think this is great, but then I also long for a game where your character’s features are completely randomized, and you don’t find out what you look like until like a half hour in.

I’m guessin they’re will be people on both sides that are offended by it because they miss the joke or message. We’ll see. Not like they’re new to controversy.

It’s social commentary disguised as a joke. It’s pretty fucking brilliant - though to be fair, as other commenters have pointed out, there was a famous essay a few years back that essentially made the analogy between white privilege and playing a game on easy level.

Just like in real life right?

I’m aware of all that, and I know they aren’t on any clear ideological side. But that just means they are free to occasionally take a clear position on something. Like Scientology. Or the censoring of Mohommad. Or the NCAA ‘plantation’.

It’s not about “being on a side.” Have you ever watched South Park? Do you really think Matt and Trey don’t believe systemic racism is a thing?

> Matt and Trey are Libertarians, so they are not in any side and poke fun on both, like always.

C’mon, man. They’ve got all sorts of great comedians like...

Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don’t. They didn’t go after Scientologists and anti-Scientologists alike. They didn’t go after people who thought Mohommad shouldn’t be censored. They didn’t go after ‘anti-truthers’ (for lack of a better word)

I’m very familiar with South Park, and they do, in fact take sides sometimes. Were they ‘not on any side’ about the depiction of Mohommad? Were they ‘not on any side’ regarding Scientology?

In about 5 seconds there’s going to be some direct quote from M & T explicitly stating their intention, will you still deny it then?

How is it clearly saying that? Having it be more difficult to play as black character to show that it’s not more difficult to be a black person is not satire, or even a joke, really. It wouldn’t make any sense.

How is it making fun of “black struggle,” as you put it, or the concept of white privilege?

Yeah, that’s not what it’s doing. How does that even work? “Let’s make it harder to play as a black character, because white privilege is stupid and fake, and that’s how parody works, right?”

That’s... not at all what is going on here.

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

That’s a fucking bold move.