Brony Friendzony

But you know what? That's life isn't it? We're all going to do stuff we don't want to and be miserable doing it but it's planning for your future. When you get education there are more opportunities when they do come up. What's this guy going to do when he's my age? Still be screaming at video games? Calm down with

The guy in this video is a REAL Brony. It's actually in his gamertag from what I recall. Read my username again to make a real point about it next time. And I feel pity for you if you think a college education is a waste of time and doesn't have some sort of positive impact on life.

But on the other hand he's going to be 30 in a few years and has the maturity of a 10 year old. I tried watching Achievement Hunter and his humor/intelligence clearly shows he didn't bother with more than High School education. I can see why their fans are getting younger he just shouts all the time.