This is making me think about dusting off my crochet hooks and getting down to business.
Same. Mr. Jeer is a loud and trashy sleeper. Spare rooms make for happy mornings.
Okay, I’m not fancy. I love this movie. We watch 4 Weddings and a Funeral and Love Actually every year while we eat yummy food and decorate the tree. For real. It is harmless fun. Why is that so wrong?
Bread pudding with bourbon sauce, punkin’ pie and apple crisp with Ben & Jerry’s vanilla ice cream. And wine.
Box wine.
Nice catch Eagle Eye! I totally giggled.
Every damn day, and twice on Sunday!
Love Tara French! I listened to her Murder Squad series while doing chores I hate (ironing) and it made them so much better.
Worst day of my young life was hurling my breakfast in the aisle of the school bus when the rocking of the bus and the fumes did me in. Bus full of kids. I was “that girl who barfed on the bus” for YEARS!
That is seriously pretty!
Yup, it does it on my screen, too.
Exactly! People in their mid-twenties who hang out with 14 years olds, and have sex with them are not good people. They are preying on someone who does not have the maturity to fully understand that they are being victimized.
Good point. Nose to tail is a good thing. It’s just that tail part where I get squeamish.
Are they “inverted” for his pleasure? Why are these a product?
When I was a kid, we used to stop there for lunch on the way to L.A. to visit family. The bathrooms are crazy wild and we thought it was the coolest thing EVER. My 9 year old self thought it was the fanciest hotel in the whole world.
Our daughter failed her driving test FOUR times! The horror part was all of the 17 year old drama that ensued those first three failures.
Mango Tango.
Thank you! Now I want to know what she is working on. This will be good!
Am I missing the Pissing? I love the weekly Pissing Contests, but I haven’t seen them in a bit. Are they coming back? Please Mom, PLEEEEAAASE.