Bronwyn Brono Galloway

Spare me your Latin. I took it in high school in the 80s. In case you didn't hear it's a dead language. I did not say I was trying to prove, much less justify, anything. I don't know why you seem so freaked out about 'out of control' (it's the name of a U2 song and I've seen them live 81 times - give that song a

I am for freedom of speech per se. But freedom of speech as of now is arguably out of control. There are also freedom of speech exceptions and limitations and I am more interested in them.

Please my response to Ell below. Thanks.

I remember it just fine, thank you. Cole already had her in a compromising physical position when he asked her what she "wanted." And it's important to note that Noah thought she was being raped in his version. (What's weird is later Noah says, "Married people don't screw like that.") How something appears is very

Not "on" anything. I'm a deep thinker. And with four degrees including a public interest JD in feminist law I probably have a better understanding re rape than most people. Let's not continue this thread. There's too much anonymity and distance in the form of writing. Please kindly just think about it - one reason men

Please no you-statements. The U.S. has obscenity laws (whether work has prurient interest, depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value) but they are largely unenforced. Yes, art imitates life and life imitates art. Vicious cycle.

No she did not. She clearly she said NO to Cole before he violently turned her around. In her version she orgasmed but 1) that does not mean it wasn't rape and 2) it's a defense mechanism for a rape victim to deny a rape by turning it into orgasmic sex in her mind.

You-statements are not acceptable. And nowhere did I even imply "written consent." Both instances were arguably rape or there wouldn't be a whole article and thread of comments debating it.

I already answered your first question. As for your second question, think about it - if women had something they were virtually guaranteed to get from raping a man rape of men might be more common. Of course rape is an act of misogynistic violence perpetrated on women at a shocking rate, but part of it is done

Yes it can. Some argue that consent should be enthusiastic to be clear. In any case, this is a good example of what is meant by rape culture. Sex is not supposed to be acts of aggression from men looking only to satisfy themselves. Most sex on TV is not shown as reciprocal as it should be.

Rape is defined as, "Unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim." There was no consent from Alison here just as there was none from her with