
When I shared this article with her last night she was like, "Don't worry I got this, you are Valhalla bound".

Ha! I actually leaned over to my friend and said,"I'm going out like that".

I know I'd like to be under him.

Allons-y Alonso!

Any paralegals out there?


Oooo can I vent too?

I wish more heavier woman would try it. Most women seem to think they have to be built like Audrey Hepburn or Jean Seberg to wear it. I'm heavy, curvy and boob heavy and I LOVE my pixie. However, take into account what you have to wear every day - I wear a uniform that does it's best to completely negate the fact

I think once you get past a certain cup size they look squished no matter what. It's also why Christina Hendricks always looks like she's about to be strangled by her upper body. I say this as someone who shares their pain.

I can see it in my mind and it is breathtaking.

I want to take a picture of myself sitting in front of my computer, cat in lap, pint of birthday cake ice cream in front of me, stack of Sherlock DVDs next to me, gut hanging out with "That's My Excuse" written over me and post it to FB.

Yeah my boss was just telling me how much she loves it. I told her I preferred to do my shopping online or take a weekday to go to the mall and get it done. She was like OMG WHERE'S THE FUN IN THAT!?!?!?!?!?! I don't personally see the fun in shopping in a store so crowded you can't even walk around or browse, but

This, so much this! What I hate most is the justification you see on FB and the like when retail workers complain about this kind of thing, the "If you want to stay home on Christmas get another job" mentality.

Ah, a Borders alum. I was told on Christmas Eve that I had ruined - ruined I tell you!- a customer's holiday because another co-worker had put the wrong Bible on hold for them. Yep. A Bible. Merry Ruined Put The Christ In Christmas!

You're welcome.

I'm trying to get him to stop! (It's not working).

No point resisting.