
Even funnier..there is a town in NY called Butternuts. And this too!

Since his teens, my father has had nothing but Pepsi as his drink of choice (he's 67). Sure he has half a cup of coffee in the morning, but other than that, Pepsi. Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi. Though he doesn't drink as much as this poor woman did (I'm pretty sure no one else can), the effects are there...for one, he has

Oh man, I wanted the original Veria in red for so long but couldn't justify the price for something I can't wear to work. But, your podiatrist is calling them the perfect shoe...and summer is coming up...

Though I don't currently work in an office situation, I have encountered this kind of culture even in the craptastic retail jobs of my salad days. We should all be lucky enough to have a boss like you.


She's adorkable!

Hard stuff...they were trying about a year ago to get the law changed but I don't think it went anywhere.

Fun Fact: He's played by Jack Quaid, son of Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid.

Oh, I've had it.

I wish they'd find a loophole for WNY.

OK, I'll bite.

If I ever was corporate overlord rich, I would buy naming rights to stadiums and name them something completely not...I dunno...sporty.

On the Weyland Industries timeline, you'll find this:

My favorite liner, I use it every day. The color I use is called caviar, which is black with a hint of brown so it's not so hardcore. I only started using eyeliner when I found this stuff, I was a spaz when it came to trying to apply it. I find it really easy to use the eyeliner brush from Bobbi Brown - pricy but

Holy crap...that worked!

Why, thank you! Also, you have me imagining a showroom full of Fassbender. Mrrrrrrr-ow.

So...can I have my very own Michael Fassbender delivered? Please?

Ugh, exactly. I don't want kids, therefore breast cancer will kill me. Unless Jeebus strikes me down first...

Hutcherson with his for real dark hair looks JUST LIKE my work crush. So TEAM PEETA!

My ex was, as a child, obsessed with the scent of a stuffed dog he had. You could still see the imprint from where his nose used to press into it. But he didn't still carry it around or anything, because it had lost its mysterious scent years ago.