
You’re a fucking pussy. Come on. This is a rapist we’re talking about here. You said it yourself- they damage people forever.
So quit being such a bitch, otherwise I might start to think you enjoy pedophiles and rapists?
This man deserved what he got. I would’ve done worse.

You’re a fucking pussy- I can’t believe you think it’s okay for a rapist to walk freely.
Have fun getting raped- oh but don’t kill him! Violence begets violence, remember? You should just get raped and do nothing about it. Two wrongs don’t make a right, right? Right. So just let it happen. Just let these monsters walk

I would’ve done the same thing as this girl, only more gruesome. Blown this guy’s balls off, cut his toes off, made him call me God. Hm. That’d be fun, huh? And then I’d blowtorch his face off.
Rapists deserve no mercy.

Who the fuck cares what God says. Fuck him.
I’m gonna take god into my own hands and kill a rapist if he ever shows his face around me. I don’t need any religion or God to stop me.

Listen to me carefully, RedLineRage. Okay? Okay. Good.
In this article, the neighbors being questioned state that he was a guy who never caused any problems.
Well, back when I was younger I had a drum teacher who never caused any problems. He never even touched me. But a few years ago, he was convicted of pedophilia

This is stupid. It’s not like the man is some upstanding guy if he raped a girl. Nope. I’d blow his brains out too. Watch me.

Well it’s not like this man was some upstanding citizen. It’s not like the girl was some serial killer. I knew one pedophile who was thought from many as a ‘good guy’, so this story sounds all too familiar from them saying that and I’m to believe he is a rapist as such. It can be quite scary that the comments are all