Bronson Arroyo

What makes this so difficult is you almost feel like you personally know the players and have a genuine connection with them after investing so much time, energy, and emotion over the course of their long careers with UK.


Daisy Jukes

If yer daddy was a member of a Nazi-affiliated group and yer affiliated with an antisemitic political party and ya wear that Nazi group’s medal on television and sign yer name in tribute to a Nazi group and that Nazi group sez yer a member and when yer asked whether yer a member of a Nazi group ya just say “No

Lol! You say this like it’s a bad thing!

The best Ryan Dempster story is when he stayed at Fenway pitching batting practice to fans until 3 am after the Sox won the World Series in ‘13

Eat Arby’s.

the best part about the cleveland browns is we all eventually die

Makes perfect sense. Broken tibias are always a calves problem.


Ridiculous suggestion. Even if it were true that Peterson was descended from slaves that wouldn’t be the reason why he hit his kid, that would only explain his strength and agility while doing so.

so much Depends


The Colts responded to the accusations by saying “we are investigating the situation, until then this is all just Irsay”

One of the most difficult things to take into account with long term contracts as an aging pro athlete is how the game will change and whether the game and your competitors will pass you by and make it seem like you’ve hung on too long. There is a strong chance that in the distant future of 2019, tennis nets balls and

Also not widely known - the rumble strips at the sides of motorways are to let blind drivers know what road they’re on and what junction’s coming up...

“Something outside woke me up around 5:30 am”

It’s okay. The Lakers are young and exciting and the Yankees are always pretty good; but damn, sorry about bama.