Bronson Arroyo

It happens in a lot of families. Happened to me actually. You achieve some measure of success and the rest of your lazy, stupid, embittered family hates you for it.

So let me get this straight: The post in question wasn’t written by Kukla, but rather, someone from Kukla’s Clan?

Giri can you do a top 20 guys to watch in 2017? Maybe for the AO? That would be cool.

I’m white enough to applaud when sizzling fajitas come to the table, but I agree with every part of this.

You’re right; this is a really obscure Simpsons reference.

Sitting on that has got to hurt your BACK BACK BACK.

Can you give them a few days? They haven’t even raised their AFC South Second Runner-Up banner yet.

Take it easy on the guy. I’ve heard he’s got a lot of personal ghosts to deal with.

I feel like this headline is attempting to discourage behind the back passes and I don’t like its tone.

They’ll remember that blocked field goal they had today for years to come. Probably just call it “The Block.”

Finally, Richard Sherman admits to pass interference.

You know, this is, excuse me, this is some damn fine kinja.

Of course Durant is having a career year; what am I, simple?

Golden State highlights get old after a while. Be that as it may, they still definitely blew the Pelicans out of the water. They really seem to have found their flows after a kind of slow start this season. They’re spacing the ball, getting off a lot of good three point shots, and just generally rolling over other

Gonna be a real tough road to the playoffs. JPP has had a really good season, and has been the best player on the Giants’ D, hand down.